Aw!: Part 2

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"He's so cute!" Natasha said, actually gushing about something. The kitten meowed before it licked its paw.

"Can we keep him?" Clint asked after Loki had transformed him back.

"He's got a collar, so I think somebody else already owns him," Steve said. He reached over and picked the little guy up. The kitten hissed when the captain touched him, but actually did nothing else. Steve looked at the collar and nodded his head. "Yep. It says 'Cuddles: 555-2364'. This guy must be lost," Steve said. The kitten, now called Cuddles, jumped from Steve's arms and went over to Loki. The Avengers were not surprised that the creature liked the person who found it. The kitten rubbed against Loki's arms until he picked it up. It nuzzled his neck and Loki allowed himself to smile.

"He is such a sweetie, isn't he?" Bruce asked as he adjusted his glasses.

"Are you sure we can't keep him?" Clint whined, but he saw that Steve had already picked up the phone.

"No, Barton! Somebody is probably worried sick about this guy. We need to inform them. Yes? Is this the owner of Cuddles? Who is this? Oh, I'm Steve Rogers. Yes... yes... yes, Captain America. Well, thanks for the compliment." The rest of the Avengers watched Steve with a mixture of trepidation and amusement, especially when he started blushing.

"Oh, she must have said something nice about his stars," Tony said, and Clint had to choke on his laughter. Steve glared at them before he went back to his phone conversation.

"Yeah, he seemed to have found his way onto our property, and-... What's that? Oh! You're out of the country till Tuesday?" Steve asked, looking at the calendar on the fridge. He winced when he saw that was four days away. "Yeah, we can keep him till you get back. It's not a problem. No, really it's our pleasure. What? Um... um... ah..." Steve began an adorable stammer session till finally, Loki took pity on him. He walked over, still holding Cuddles, and took the phone away from him.

"Once you are back in the city, you may call us again at this number, and one of Tony Stark's chauffeurs will return your feline to you. Who am I?" Loki hung up and handed the phone back to Steve. "And that is how you deal with nosy people." Loki smirked and left the kitchen, with Cuddles perched on his shoulder. Tony looked at Steve and smirked.

"So... what did she say to you?" he asked. Steve growled at him and left the kitchen.

End of Part 2

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