The Tale of Loki's Bachelor Party: Part 1

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Thor rubbed his hands together and grinned as he walked toward Loki's chambers. The whole of Asgard was on fire, due to events of late. Loki had finally proposed to Sigyn and she had accepted. Odin and King Alry were now preparing for the wedding. Some people had asked Thor if he was insulted that Loki was getting married before him, but Thor said he did not care. Thor arrived at his brother's chamber door, and wrapped on it loudly. There was a scuffling sound from within, and soon, the door opened. Loki was standing there, his green velvet shirt covered in pins. One of the pins came out and it fell apart, revealing his chest. "Yes Thor? I'm a little bit busy," Loki said as he let Thor into his room. Thor saw the mess that was Loki's room. Cloth lay all over the floor, boots were mismatched on the floor, and several of his cloaks were scattered on the poles that Loki had for balancing.

"I just wanted to see if you were available for a little banquet, us men are having this evening. Well, are you?" Thor queried. Loki shot him a look and before standing still as he let the dresser begin his modifications. "Come on Loki. You're only going to be a bachelor for a few more weeks, tops. Let's get together and celebrate your freedom while it lasts," Thor begged. Loki glanced up at him and the corners of his mouth twisted down.

"You just want a legitimate reason to get undeniably drunk. I'm not interested in celebrating my singleness and then carting you back to your room," Loki responded.

"That won't happen, Loki. Come on. Free your time up, because we are having a feast for you tonight!" Thor walked over and clapped Loki on the back. Loki cried out. That was when he reached back and pulled a pin out of his shoulder blade. He flicked it at Thor and it stuck in his brother's cheek. Thor winced and pulled it out. He waved it at Loki and departed. Loki growled something before he straightened up for the dresser. The man quickly placed a few more pins in a couple other strategic places, and then whisked the green velvet shirt off of him. Loki quickly snagged one of his black shirts and slipped it over his head. He paused for a moment, and glanced at himself in the mirror. When had he ever turned down a chance to make mischief? Loki had a reputation to uphold! He turned and went behind a screen to start changing.

"Um, sire. What are you doing?" the dresser asked as he gathered up his material. Loki poked his head out from behind the screen and grinned.

"Why, I'm going to my bachelor party sir!"

End of Part 1

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