The Tale of Loki's Punishment: Part 3

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At first, Loki saw the varied and beautiful colors of the Bifrost, before he saw darkness. Loki stood up and looked around. It was night time wherever he was, and a warm breeze hit him. He saw the moon and guessed that it was mid to late summer on Midgard, or at least this part of Midgard. Loki saw lights in the distance and started walking in that direction. When he reached the crest of a hill and looked down, he saw a large city sprawling beneath him. Shouts, screams, and chanting came from it, and Loki wondered what depraved nature man had descended to since he was last there.

Loki ran down the hill towards it. That was when he started meeting people. They were very oddly dress, mostly in loose, ill-fitting clothing, and foppish red caps. Loki looked down at his own clothes. His high boots, leather trousers, green shirt, and black vest. He did not fit in really, but Loki always liked being controversial, so he did not change his appearance. Loki put his hands in his pockets and walked on, whistling a merry tune. When he got closer to the city, he saw that they were checking people at the gates, something that irritated Loki, but that would not stop him. He teleported past the gate house and into the city. The stench that greeted him, made him want to vomit. People were dressed in rags and carrying pikes and lances. "Oh mortal man! How thou hast sunk!" Loki said dramatically before he put a hand to his nose and mouth. He was just rounding a corner when he saw a rather large group of men trying to pull down a statue. Loki paused to see it.

The statue was of a rather portly man in funny breeches, an overcoat, and some kind of frilly neck tie. Loki cocked his head as he was rather amused by what he saw. That was when one of the men noticed him. "Who are you? What are you staring at?" he asked impudently. The language he was using was strange and it took Loki a minute to understand it. But then he accessed his language vault, and he realized that the man was speaking French!

"Oh, pardon me," Loki responded in the same language, "but I thought this was a free country!" He spoke sarcastically and laughed. The men approached, some reaching for knives, pistols, and pikes. Loki let them ring him into a tight circle.

"You look like an aristo. You're not going anywhere!" the first man said as he pointed a cudgel at Loki.

"Finally, somebody I can hurt!"

End of Part 3

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