Blood & Water: Part 4

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Loki quickly changed Thor's fate, and the sword slipped on by Thor, and scraped him on the hip bone instead. Loki growled and knocked Vali back with a wave of magic. Thor threw Mjolnir at him, and that sent him flying back into a building. Thor summoned his hammer back and turned to Loki, who was still busy altering their futures. Blood appeared on his green and black leather coat, and Thor saw the clean cut that had been made. "That sword was meant for me wasn't it?" Thor asked quietly. Loki glanced at him, and a smirk appeared on his lips.

"You always find the time to ask the stupidest questions," Loki remarked.

"I resent that!" Thor said and that was when Tony came flying up and joined them.

"When this is over, we're going to have a long conversation about trust issues and telling the truth. Ever heard of Pinocchio?" Tony asked Loki.

"That story never played a part in my childhood," Loki said dryly as he saved Natasha and Clint from getting smashed by Surtur. Tony muttered something before he blasted Amora with his repulsers. Loki smiled before he suddenly cried out as something hit him from behind. He fell forward and Thor saved him. Vali was walking towards them, flames coming from his sword. Thor roared and taking Mjolnir, attacked his nephew. Loki crawled up and placed his hand on the pages of the Book of Hel. He had one more person to save, and he was going to do it before anybody else stopped him. Loki felt all his energy leeching out of him, with every spell, and every heartbeat. He finally put his hand on his injury and did the same thing he did for his wrist, sealed it closed with ice. Loki had just finished changing the fates of his friends when somebody stomped on his hand. Loki yelled in pain and looked up into the cruel and merciless eyes of Vali.

"You think that by saving your friends that you've earned back their trust? You haven't! You'll have to choose between them and Sigyn! And I know exactly what you'll do. You'll be a coward and save yourself!" Vali sneered. Loki just grinned and grabbed Vali's ankles, ice creeping up his legs. Before Vali could save himself, he was frozen in several layers of it.

"Get out of that," Loki said before he laid his head in the cool grass. He was no longer paying attention to the fighting going on around him. Now that he had saved his friends, he could close his eyes, if only for a few minutes.

To be continued...

The End

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