The Midgard Vacation Tale: Part 4

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Thor stopped Loki and then indicated the soldiers that were closing in around them.  “Witchcraft is not permitted!  You are sorcerers who have sold your souls to the devil!” the king cried.  Loki gave Thor a puzzled look.

“What does he mean by ‘devil’?” he asked.   Thor shrugged his shoulders and then the two brothers went back to back.

“Your injury did heal.  The old warriors never said that,” Thor remarked as they squared off against the mortals.  The soldiers were hesitant to attack them, convinced that they were possessed by evil spirits.  One of the guards made an attempted to jab Thor, but Loki stuck him with the spear.  The mortal fell backwards and two more took his place, pressing them with lances.  It was getting tight for Thor and Loki, but that was when they heard a bellow from outside the circle.  The Warriors Three and Sif came crashing in, wielding their own weapons which they had managed to bring.  Soon, all five of them were in a tight knit group against the English soldiers.  As soon as their friends had joined them, Loki looked up towards the sky.

“Heimdall, open the Bifrost!”  That was when a brilliant ray of colors came shooting down from the sky, and they were taken back to Asgard.  All five of them practically fell on their faces when they landed.  When they looked up, they saw Heimdall standing there, with Odin next to him.  Loki and Thor looked at each other and then back at Odin.  They both smiled.  “We have a logical explanation,” Loki said.

Thor and Loki could not really be severely punished anymore, but now they had regular drills to perform every day until Odin said otherwise.  “Why did the mortals fear us?  Do they not have magic on Midgard?” Thor asked Loki as they sat in Loki’s recently repaired room.  Loki made the water from his fountain rise up and form a little wave.  He then caused it to disappear, and he felt his temple, where his injury had been.  He shrugged.  But Thor did not take silence for an answer.  “Come on Mister Logical Answer For Everything, what is your theory?”

“I believe that the mortals did once have magic, but some new fear or ideology has made them shun it.  They called us sorcerers and you really don’t have magic, do you?”  Thor shot him a look and Loki just smiled.  “Whatever they believe in now, it has changed their views on magic.”

“Then it’s a good thing Merlin’s no longer around huh?” Thor said as he got up to leave.

“I don’t know.  Mother still has that stupid cat,” Loki pointed out.  They both laughed and Thor left.

The End

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