The Tale of the Diplomatic Duo: Part 1

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The Bifrost deposited Loki and Thor at the gates of Jotunheim. They both stood up and adjusted their cloaks, getting them out of the way. Thor pulled his fur trimmed hood up to shield himself from the cold wind. Loki brushed his green cloak aside, exposing his armored arms and the sword at his side. Loki adjusted the scepter he had in his hand, and hid the mask he carried attached to his belt. "After you, brother," Thor said, signaling that Loki could walk before him. Loki shot him a look and muttered something, before walking in front.

They only went a little ways before three Frost Giant sentries came upon them. "State your business!" they commanded.

"We are here on a diplomatic mission to see King Laufey of Jotunheim. Let us pass or escort us to him," Loki said. The sentries glanced at each other, frowned, and separated. Thor and Loki walked in between them, and towards what looked like a wall carved out of ice. The two of them zig zagged their way through a mine field of jagged rocks and slick terrain. Several times, they both almost slipped, but they managed to keep their footing. When they reached the gates, the sentries had to shout up to the guards on duty, and have them open the gigantic doors. When the Princes of Asgard entered, a crowd of Frost Giant civilians were standing there to greet them. They were all bigger than them, but the children were only a little shorter than them. Some of the children tossed snow balls at them (enmity between Asgard and Jotunheim is strong), and Thor made a move to do something, but Loki stopped him.

"Thor and Loki, Odinson, your majesties," a guard said and he stepped aside to let Loki and Thor approach. King Laufey, Queen Farbauti, and Prince Giermarr, were sitting in three thrones on the dais. The prince eyed the both of them, but Loki and Thor glared back at him. He snorted, but King Laufey raised his hand for silence.

"What do the sons of Odin demand from us?" he asked, his voice ringing out through the icy chamber. Thor looked at Loki and nodded his head, allowing him to speak. Loki stepped forward and cleared his throat.

"We want restitution for the bodies of men, women, and children butchered in their homes on Asgardian land!" Loki answered vehemently.

End of Part 1

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