Don't Tell Loki!: Part 1

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Natasha sat at the table, aimlessly stirring a cup of coffee. Her chin rested in her hand and she could barely keep her eyes open. What was she thinking going for a run at 5:00 on a Saturday morning after staying up basically all night, partying with Tony and the others? She shook her head and started to drink her wakeup beverage. A shuffling sound from the hallway made her look up and she saw Sigyn entering. The woman looked scared but she quickly came over and sat down in front of Natasha. "Good morning, I guess," Natasha said groggily. Sigyn nodded and glanced around, almost as if she suspected someone would crawl out of the metal work (Tony has a modern kitchen). "What are you scared of?" Natasha asked. Sigyn looked back at her before placed something on the table. Natasha glanced down at it and it only took her a second to see that it was a pregnancy test. She buried her face in her hands and asked, "How long have you been back again? Two months?"

"Tell me what it says!" Sigyn hissed quietly but with urgency. Natasha growled and picked it up, studying it. She glanced back at Sigyn and saw the look of fear and anticipation in her eyes.

"It says you're pregnant," Natasha answered handing it back to her. She laid her head back down on the table for three seconds before it snapped back up. "You're pregnant! Congrat-!"

"Don't tell Loki!" were the words out of Sigyn's mouth as she spun around and left the kitchen. Natasha was sitting there, holding the pregnancy test in her hand, all of a sudden feeling very guilty. A door opened and Natasha leapt to her feet, afraid that it was Loki. But, it was only Bruce.

"Morning, Natasha. Whoa! I do not want to know what you've been up to!" he said suddenly, and Natasha saw that she still had the pregnancy test. She quickly threw it in the trash, washed her hands, and turned around. Bruce was still raising his eyebrow at her. "Does Clint know?" Bruce asked.

"Clint and me?! God no! This is Sigyn's!" Natasha said. Bruce nodded and walked to the coffee maker.

"What was her result?" he asked absentmindedly.

"It was positive," Natasha answered quietly. Bruce turned, his eyes wide. "Whatever you do, don't tell Loki!"

End of Part 1

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