Baby Haze: Part 7

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Loki gasped and raised the spear again. "Don't. You wouldn't want to hurt Thor as well," Amora said as she kissed him.

"I've had enough of you!" Loki said and with a wave of his hand, Thor was teleported from Amora's arms, back to the others. All six of them rolled around and rocked on their bottoms in the grass, laughing. Loki made the spear vanish and he raised his hands, green sparks flying. "Let's dance, bitch!" he said. Amora came in, shooting flames from her hands. Loki separated them with ease and brought his own fiery fist into her face. Amora fell backwards, but her leg came up and caught Loki under the chin. He also fell, but leapt back up. Amora did the same, but a little slower. Her leg went out again and Loki blocked it. Amora dropped down and swung her calf out, catching Loki's foot before he cleared it. Loki fell onto the pavement and his helmet came off. It rolled away, stopping a few feet from the Avengers. Tony crawled to it, and started gumming a horn.

Loki looked up and saw Amora wielding the dagger again. He rolled away and it hit the cement, sending some sparks flying. Loki sent a ball of ice at her, but Amora dodged it. The reporters parted as it went flying by them and froze an entire building. With a quick wave of his hand, Loki saved the people inside from being frozen to death. This temporary distraction, allowed Amora time to turn on the Avengers. Raising her hand, she opened her mouth to say the words that would kill them. Loki turned, saw her, and teleported himself there just before she could start speaking. Placing his hands on her head, he accessed her brain. Amora was frozen, her limbs no longer her own to control. Loki searched her mind for anything about her master, the infamous Master, the dark hand in the shadows. He found nothing. She had never met him face to face, he was just a voice from the gloom.

"What is the magical phrase that will bring my friends back?" Loki asked her, manipulating Amora into saying it.

"Return from youth and tender age. Return to the coils of true time," Amora answered mechanically. And with those words, the Avengers were shrouded in light, and Loki released Amora, shielding his eyes. A second later, Loki lowered his hand, and there they were! Adults once again. A hideous laugh made Loki turn around and he saw the Enchantress had stepped away from him. "Next time, Loki, when I return, I won't be alone!"

"Yeah, that's because wanna-be's like you can't stand toe to toe with me on your own," Loki responded with his smirk. In a whirlwind of green smoke, the Enchantress disappeared.

End of Part 7

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