The Tale of Sif's Haircut: Part 1

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Loki sat on the thick limb of the tree Yggdrasil, and looked out over the land. He could see all the Nine Realms from his perch, and he studied them with his keen, green eyes. He watched as the mortals built cathedrals in their cities; Loki saw the Jotuns squabble with each other; and finally, he watched as Sigyn sat and learned old traditions of the Light Elves with her sister. He smiled as he watched Sigyn outdo her sister, but put on a humble face. "Loki! Loki! Come on down from there! Sif and the Warriors Three are here!" he heard Thor shout from below. Loki looked down and frowned. He saw Thor standing there, with the warrior Sif, and the Buffoons Three (as Loki liked to call them). Loki stood up, crossed his arms across his chest, closed his eyes, and then jumped. He heard everyone gasp, but Loki simply teleported himself.

"You called?" Loki asked as he appeared behind them.

"You can never do anything without a trick, can you?" Sif asked. Loki made a face at her, but said nothing. He and Sif had a fascinating relationship. When they were younger, they had done some things to each other: she had clouted him over the head in a match, and he had given her monkey like aspects. It had not ended so well.

"We're going to the arena to train. We need some magic if we're going to get the full experience," Thor said. Loki glanced at him and sneered.

"So I'm just that extra challenge. No need for my wonderful personality," Loki remarked dryly. Thor chuckled and clapped him on the back.

"You're my brother. I want you training with me because we improve together," Thor told him enthusiastically. Loki nodded and then joined the troupe. Thor and the Warriors Three went off in the front while Sif held Loki back for a moment.

"Don't think that you will ever be as good as Thor. You're the lesser brother Loki. Accept it," Sif whispered in his ear. Loki paused and she continued after Thor. He ground his jaw together, and the sound rang in his ears with her words.

"You probably shouldn't have said that to me, Sif. I am, after all, the Prince of Mischief." He smirked.

End of Part 1

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