Fan Girls: Part 2

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Most of the other Avengers looked smashed at breakfast. Tony had taken Steve, Clint, and Natasha out to a party the night before and now, three of them (not including the super soldier) had hangovers. Thor had gone as well, but it takes more than ten shots of whiskey to get an Asgardian drunk. Bruce had stayed home with Loki, but even he looked bushed. Loki (considering his early morning run in), was the freshest daisy in the room. Loki made himself a protein shake out of ice cream, eggs, mangos and peaches. As he guzzled it, he did not notice that several people were watching him. When he was finished with it, he saw them looking at him. "Did I do something?" he asked.

"Jarvis just told me that you snapped at him this morning," Tony said slowly and in a low voice. Loki shrugged a little. "Your shoulders are not a good enough answer."

"I snap at the AI three times a week, minimum! What's new?!" Loki asked in a raised voice, that made Tony, Clint, and Natasha cover their ears. "Sorry," he added in a much lower voice.

"Pardon me sir, but there is a crowd of the female variety, outside the door," Jarvis said. Everyone made a face as Tony pulled up the live camera footage. A crowd of about twenty girls was standing there, with a news van pulling up to record it. As soon as Loki saw one of their shirts, he dropped down behind the counter, crouching on the floor. It said, "I'm Loco for Loki." Clint, Steve, Tony, Bruce, and even Thor snickered at his obvious discomfort.

"I am here this morning, outside Avengers Tower, to see this group of girls who are calling for the man they believe is their hero: Loki of Asgard. This morning, he was caught running by a group of girls from NYU, and his picture was posted to Facebook. Excuse me miss, what do like about the God of Mischief?"

"Oh my god! He's so hot and he's so sneaky it's steamy!" the girl responded. That was when the screen started to fracture, and exploded. Everyone turned to Loki, who was starting to reveal his head from the other side of the counter. He was undoubtedly the culprit.

"Something you want to talk about?" Tony queried.

"How do I deal with this? This is insane! Can I please go back to being anonymous?!" Loki asked wildly as he disappeared from the kitchen. Everyone just stared at where he had been a second ago.

"Well, I can't help you, with you running away from me," Tony said in an amused voice.

End of Part 2

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