The Tale of Loki's Romance: Part 1

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"Stay away from Brunhilde!" Odin warned Loki as they stood outside the gates of the Alfheim palace. Loki nodded but he still smirked. Odin could not help but grin as well, and he patted Loki on the back of the neck. Loki then glanced over at Frigga, and she approached him.

"Remember to stay out of trouble this evening," she told him.

"Yes, Mother, I am still a five-year-old and need to be told that," Loki responded. Frigga swatted his upper arm with a feather fan she was carrying. But her look of annoyance soon turned to one of amusement and she quickly kissed him on the cheek. Loki restrained the urge to wipe it away, but instead he scratched his cheek. That was when he heard a laugh. Loki turned and saw a beautiful young woman approaching. She was wearing a sheath of gold, with a slit in the front, exposing a pale and shapely leg. She came right up to him and kissed him on the lips. Loki jumped and took a few steps back.

"Am I so easy to forget? And I thought I made an impression on you," the woman said. It only took Loki a second to realize who she was.

"Sigyn! Oh my word! How you have changed since you were eight," Loki exclaimed as he admired her. Sigyn fingered his leather coat and then tapped his golden arm guards.

"You have altered too. You're not that little boy who had just gotten out of a neck brace. You're a man now," Sigyn said as she took hold of one of his golden horns and gave it a tug. Loki took her hand and removed it, but he still held onto it. Sigyn smiled and let Loki hold her hand. They stood there for a moment, not aware that the Warriors Three and Sif had noticed.

"Do I see love in the air?" Fandral asked. Sif watched as Sigyn placed her hand on Loki's arm, and Loki did not shake it off. Instead, he encompassed her hand in his and they followed Thor, Odin, King Alry, Queen Iloway, Frigga, Princess Frigen, Brunhilde, and the Valkyries into the palace.

"I think you are right, Fandral. Who knew that Loki would ever fall for a woman?" Hogun remarked as they came after them.

"Is it authentic though? Let's put it to the test," Sif said with a smile on her face.

End of Part 1

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