The Tale of Bastille Day: Part 4

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As soon as he announced that he was the Norseman, French troops lined up and fired at him. Loki did a flip off the statue into the crowd, where he drew his scepter. People scattered as he leveled revolutionary soldiers with it. It was very easy for him, because he was standing head and shoulders over all of them. When one Frenchman tried to shoot Loki in the back (Loki saw him in the reflection of his blade), he ducked and dropped, hooking his foot around the man's ankle. As he fell, Loki stabbed him through the chest. When Loki stood back up, he found himself surrounded by the Frenchmen, who were all pointing their muskets at him. He did not drop his scepter, but he did lift his arms up. An angry looking fellow approached him, trying to jab him with his sword, but Loki sidestepped him. "We have you now! You scoundrel! Reveal your face so that we might see who you are!" Chief Moreau demanded.

Loki grinned, placed his scepter on the ground, and leaned on it. "Why should I? Where's the fun in that? No, no! You must figure it out yourself. Use that brain of yours. Although, you're French, so let's see how that works out," Loki said, before laughing. Chief Moreau growled and raised his sword again, but Loki's hand went up. "By the way. Your ass is on fire." Moreau turned and saw that his ass was indeed, on fire. As he hopped around, desperately trying to put it out, Loki disappeared in a puff of smoke. A captain suddenly appeared at the top of the La Force prison.

"Citizen Robespierre! There has been-!" but nobody heard anything else. The statue of Robespierre exploded right before their very eyes. After that, there was utter pandemonium.

Meanwhile, Loki, Charlie, and three aristo families, were sailing down the Seine River. "Was it worth it again?" Charlie asked Loki, and Loki glanced at him. "Is all this worth you almost dying every time we come to Paris?" Loki snorted and slapped Charles on the shoulder.

"Did it look like I was about to die? No! On the contrary in fact. It looked more like Robespierre and the entire Committee of Public Safety were about to die. Of embarrassment!" That was when both Loki and Charles started laughing, and the small boat sailed unnoticed down the river.

The End

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