The Midgard Vacation Tale: Part 2

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Part 2

Loki spluttered and stood up, running his fingers through his black hair.  Finally, he decided to charge down the hill after him, when Sif grabbed his shoulder and pulled him roughly back.  “I’m going after him!” Loki said.

“If he joins that tournament, nothing is going to happen to him.  I’ve heard the warriors say that if an Asgardian is struck by a weapon from the hand of a mortal, there is no major damage.  A mortal cannot kill an Asgardian,” Sif told him. 

Loki pulled away from her and dusted himself off like she was dirty.  “That what they say, but is that the truth?” he posed in return.  Sif frowned as she did not know the answer to that.  “I’m going down there because he’s my brother.  You guys have to blend in and be backup if I need it.  Although, if you want to blend in Sif, I suggest you get a change of clothes.”  Loki said the last part with a smirk as he continued down the hill.  Sif looked around and saw that all the women there were wearing dresses.  She growled.  She hated wearing dresses.

Loki quickly scrambled down the hill and disappeared into the same tent that Thor had just entered.  Loki surveyed his surroundings, but Thor had already disappeared.  “Drat!” Loki muttered as he went through the armor.  Most of it was not to his liking.  The chainmail was worn and Loki could see where a good sword would pierce through.  He wrinkled his nose at the leather and frowned when he saw the swords.  Loki took a dagger’s blade between his fingers and was able to bend it a little.  “Mortal steel is weak,” Loki said as he grabbed a breastplate and tried to put it on.  It did not work, and he wound up simply using a thick leather jerkin under chainmail, with several daggers.  On his way out, Loki saw a spear.  He picked it up.  He guessed for a mortal man, this would be heavy, but it was light to him.  He balanced it in his hands and smiled.  “I guess they can do something right.”

Now that he was armed, Loki stepped out into the open air.  Several knights and warriors noticed him and pointed.  Loki was still wearing his Asgardian garments underneath, and his boots definitely did not match his filthy armor.  He smiled at them and then walked towards the actual fighting arena.  He looked around quickly to see if Thor was nearby.  Loki wanted to kick him so hard, boot him all the way back to Asgard.  Loki was fine with visiting Midgard, by spending time in the mountains and forests, discovering new life.  Not saving his brother’s ass in a mortal tournament.  That was when Loki saw a man stand up in their stands.  He was in rich garments and he had a crown on his head.  Loki rightly guessed that he was the king.  That was when he turned and saw Thor entering the lists.  No helmet could hide his golden hair.  He raised his sword, challenging a mortal warrior to combat.  “Ass!” was all Loki said.

End of Part 2

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