Blood & Water: Part 3

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Closing his eyes, Loki teleported himself back to Avengers Tower. Sigyn stood up when she saw him and asked, "What happened? Why are you back?" Sigyn asked. Loki just took her in his arms, kissed her, and walked away. "Loki! You're scaring me," Sigyn said.

"We all should be! Vali is the one behind everything!" Loki shouted as he disappeared into their room. Sigyn gasped and her hands went to her belly, as if she was protecting her unborn child from her murderer and first born son.

"What are you going to do?" Sigyn asked as Loki appeared from the room. Loki looked up at her, his green eyes hard and unforgiving. When Sigyn saw what he was carrying, her eyes widened. He was holding the Book of Hel.

"I'm going to tell the truth," Loki responded darkly.

Hulk was thrown backwards by Surtur, but Thor came in and hit the demon in the jaw with Mjolnir. Iron Man and Captain America were going after Mephisto, while Hawkeye and Black Widow were dealing with Amora. Vali just watched with a devilish amusement on his face. "While you're all busy, I think I'll go find my mother and get my baby brother," Vali said as he started walking away.

"You're not getting anywhere near Sigyn!" Loki's voice rang out and he reappeared. Everyone stopped fighting to look at him. Loki was floating several feet off of the ground, and his eyes were glowing green. "No more lies!" he said and the Book of Hel floated up and opened. Loki's hand hovered over it and he began to change the fates of his friends. The ground shook and Steve delivered a crushing blow in between Mephisto's shoulder blades.

"What are you doing?" Thor asked loudly as he took a step towards Loki.

"In order to get Sigyn's soul back, I offered Hela your souls, as long as you died in combat," Loki told him and everyone gasped. "But, I had always planned on double crossing her. I just saved Steve from dying at Mephisto's hand. I still have five others to save.  So, please keep everyone away from me?" Loki went back to the book and continued re-writing the future. The Avengers just stared at him in disbelief, until they saw Vali charging at him. Thor leapt forward to stop Vali from killing Loki.

End of Part 3

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