The Tale of Loki's Mask: Part 2

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Loki stared at the mask for a long time as he sat in a high backed chair in his room. His hands were in the steeple position and he looked over them. The mask was on a stand he had magically created for it when he returned. How could Thor's hammer be so much more useful than his mask? Oh yes, Thor could throw the hammer, and the hammer could hit things, but could the hammer talk its way out of a sticky situation where weapons were not practical? "I think not," Loki said, answering his own question. He stood up and took the mask in hand. He turned it around and started to bring it in close. When the wood touched his skin, it stuck there. Loki felt a surge for an instant and suddenly, he felt tingly all over. Loki turned to look at himself in the mirror and saw that his eyes were glowing green. Green light passed all over his body. Loki felt his muscles tense, his fingers twitch, and every nerve in his body vibrate.

When Loki looked up again, he was smiling, the gleam in his eyes bright and sparkling. That was when there was a knock on his door. Loki turned and walked towards it. His hand gripped the knob, he turned it, and threw the door open. "AH!" Sif exclaimed from the other side when the door slammed into the stone. "Nice mask, Loki," Sif said. Loki grinned broadly and placed one hand on the door jam above his head.

"You wanted something?" he queried with a hint of mischief in his voice.

Sif cleared her throat and said, "Yes, the Frost Giants have raided several villages on the borders of Asgard. Lord Odin has commanded that you and Thor deal with the raiding party before they return to Jotunheim." Loki's eyebrows wiggled and he zipped by Sif, blowing her hair. Sif made a face and turned to join him.

Thor was standing with Heimdall at the Bifrost gate, waiting for Loki to show up. "Probably swooning over that mask of his. It's really not as good as my hammer, Mjolnir," Thor said as he showed Heimdall his weapon again. Heimdall smiled and opened his mouth to say something, but that was when a gust of wind came into the room and almost knocked them over. Thor put his hand out and touched the wall for support. When he and Heimdall looked up, they saw Loki standing before them in the mask. It conformed completely to his face so that when he smirked, the corners of the masks mouth went up.

"I hear we have a Frost Giant infestation. You weren't going to deal with it without me, were you?"

End of Part 2

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