The Unexpected Savior: Part 10

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Hela was sitting on her throne, admiring a glowing green orb in a glass and crystal container, when the Avengers arrived in Hel. Loki groaned when they landed, but then he became very still. Thor looked at his face and saw that it was sickly pale now. Thor's hand was over the injury but the blood was thick. Thor laid Loki down and that was when Steve, Natasha, and Clint began to take care of him. "How sweet. My uncle and the mortals are caring for my father. I'm touched," Hela said without looking at them.

"Hela! Please! Give Loki back his soul. I know he already gave it to you. That's why he was so reckless," Thor said as he approached her throne. Hela turned, and that was when the Avengers got a good look at her. Her skin was the color of robin's eggs, and her lips were tinted green. Green and black seemed to be her colors, similar to her father's. Her black hair was twisted on top of her head, and stuffed inside a hideous crown of black metal. She smiled a wicked smile. Again, it was like Loki's, but it lacked his humor. Loki cried out when Steve applied more pressure and put a bandage on him. Hela's eyes only hardened and then she indicated the crystal container beside her. The Avengers saw it and their eyes widened with horror.

"You're right, uncle. He gave it to me already, but I can choose to give it back. If I don't, Sigyn comes back to like in her resplendent coffin in Asgard. If I do, he lives, and he will never get Sigyn. He's already refused to give me yours or Odin's so, I've got to keep something." The green orb flickered and for a moment, Loki's pulse skipped a beat.

"We're losing him, Thor!" Clint said as he pressed the bandage harder on Loki's wound. Thor turned to Hela, his expression torn between anger and sorrow. Hela knew it and she chuckled.

"What is your price to give him his soul back? We will do anything!" Thor told her.

"We will?" Tony asked, but he got elbowed by Hulk, which sent him flying into a rock. He stood up, walked back over, and raised his helmet. "I mean, we will!" Hulk snorted and that was when all the Avengers nodded their heads. Hela smirked at their belief and leaned forward in her throne. They all thought she was going to ask for the impossible or worse. They were very surprised by what she asked for.

"Beg for my father on your knees!" she said. Everyone made a face and looked at one another. Steve glanced down at Loki and saw that he was basically dead already. He turned back to Hela and went down to his knee, still holding Loki's one hand.

"I beg you to return Loki to us."

End of Part 10

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