The Unexpected Savior: Part 7

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Every human on earth watched their screens, entranced. Midgard was not the only one to see it though. Loki had passed the message on through sacred animals and messengers from the other Nine Realms. Everyone in every universe was hearing his broadcast. "Brother, Tony, Steve, all the Avengers: Mephisto and Surtur are coming. They are not the Chiutari. I am only sad that I will not be there to fight beside you. To those I hurt in New York, I am most humbly sorry. My only penance is to die today, and show that I can change. Yes, Clint, I would get mad at you for taking my things without asking, but, you're like my little brother."

"That's how he views me?" Clint asked and he got smacked by everybody. That was when the jet landed, and Tony put Loki's message on their comms so that they could hear him. As they looked up, they saw the Scourge standing several yards away with his huge battle ax.

"He's mine," Bruce said as he starting shifting into the Hulk. Everyone else ran around the Executioner while Hulk tackled him.

"Natasha, you're my confidante. Thank you for lending me your ear. Tony, thanks for teaching me the ways of technology. I wouldn't have been able to make this video without you constantly reminding me to check your email. And Facebook. And your program codes.  Steve, you're a great sparring partner. I never would have learned how to wrestle if you hadn't taken the time to teach me. Bruce, thanks for not smashing me again. I appreciate it." At this point, many people, including a few of the Avengers, were tearing up. "My last thank you is to Thor. You already know that I blamed you for the death of my wife and my son. But, I was to blame. I wasn't there for Vali when he needed me. When I saw him growing in magic, I became insecure and Sigyn knew it. She told me that he was my son, not my rival, but I did not listen. Because of my selfishness and pride, my family is dead. You helped me realize my faults. Thank you. Thank you all. I will see some of you in Hel." That was when the video went dead. Five seconds later, the Internet exploded with news about Loki's confession. The Avengers wiped the tears from their eyes and ran to the White House as fast as they could.

Loki turned to Amora, whose face was pale with anger. The President came in between them, but Amora knocked him away. Anna tried to do the same, but Amora sent her flying into the wall. She reached Loki and grabbed him by the throat. She lifted him off the ground. "Now, you die, Loki!"

End of Part 7

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