Don't Tell Loki!: Part 3

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Loki walked over to Steve and they looked each other in the eyes. After five seconds, Loki laughed and walked away. Steve did not know if he was supposed to be relieved or worried. "Did you read my mind?" he asked as Loki and Thor started to leave the room. Loki turned and raised his arms.

"Sigyn made me promise not to do that. To her, I never break a promise," Loki told him with a grin. "I just wanted to see if you would pee your pants. You kind of did." Loki turned tail and ran away while Steve gave chase. As he rounded the corner of the counter, the pregnancy test fell out of his back pocket, and landed at Thor's feet. Loki and Steve disappeared down the hall, but Thor was staring down at it. He picked it up and waved it in the air, unsure as to what it was.

"It's a pregnancy test for Sigyn," Tony said as he took it from the befuddled God of Thunder. Bruce squeaked and Tony froze. Clint's eyes widened and Thor's mouth hit the ground.

"IT'S A WHAT?!?!?!" Thor asked loudly and Clint covered his mouth.

"Sigyn's pregnant, dude! Keep it under the covers until she tells Loki about it," Bruce told him. Thor brushed Clint's hand away and a smile appeared in his face.

"This is wonderful news! When is she going to tell him?" Thor asked.

"Hopefully soon. The suspense is killing me!" Bruce remarked dryly and they all went their separate ways.

At dinner that night, everyone attempted to make conversation, but they all felt like they would let Sigyn's pregnancy slip if they opened their mouths. Loki was the only one who could talk, but it did not take him long to notice. "Did you all make a no talking bet and not tell me?" he asked with a grin as he jabbed a boiled potato on the end of his fork. Clint shook his head and glanced at Natasha. She then looked at Bruce, who looked at Steve, who looked at Tony, who looked at Thor, who finally looked at Sigyn. She coughed up her water and wiped her mouth. Loki followed all their gazes until they ended with his wife. He grinned and turned Sigyn's head with his finger so that she was looking at him. "What secret is screaming to get out?" he asked. You could have heard a pin drop. The table became as silent as the grave!

End of Part 3

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