The Tale of the Heir of Mischief: Part 4

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Thor, Frigga, and Odin all heard the news the same time Loki did. When he teleported himself to the Vault, Odin jumped to his feet. "Send guards to the Vault of Visions! Prince Loki will try to kill Prince Helbindi! He must not be allowed to carry out his desire!"

Loki reappeared, kneeling on the floor in the hallway of the vault. The guards (who were still unaware of his intentions) approached slowly.  "Is there something we can help you with sire?" one asked. Loki stood up, clenched his fists and they rose into the air, their armor slowly starting to cave in on them. He threw them into the walls, and whispered some magic words. The doors were sealed behind him. No one would be able to enter unless he wanted them to. Loki walked down the hallways, passing the glass rooms. With a wave of his hand, all the prisoners were released from their terrifying nightmares. They came to the magical walls and watched as Loki walked by. He now had two curved knives in his hands, and the expression on his face was murderous. When he reached Helbindi's cell, he kicked the field in, and entered. Helbindi stood up, but he was not prepared for Loki's fury. Loki slashed him across the chest and kicked him in the stomach. He took his legs out from under him, and pinned him on the floor with one knife pressed against his throat.

"You're killing my wife and child! If I want them to survive, I have to kill you!" Loki said. Helbindi grinned and that was when they heard the sound of people banging on the door. Loki glanced quickly over his shoulder, before looking back at Helbindi.

"You'll start a war with Jotunheim," Helbindi pointed out.

"I'll take the consequences!" Loki said.

"Loki! Think about what you're doing! Don't throw your life away!" Thor shouted.

"Too late brother," Loki whispered, and Helbindi's icy blood was splattered all around the cell. That was when he broke the seal on the door, and Thor smashed it down. When he and Odin looked around, they saw that all the prisoners were cowering in the corners of their cells. Then, they saw Loki, he was covered in Helbindi's blood. What scared them the most though, was the fact that his eyes were no longer green. They were red!

The End

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