The Cousin's Visit Tale: Part 4

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Thor saw Loki’s plight, and he quickly changed course to catch him.  The arrows stopped, and they heard cheering from the range.  Thor wanted to curse and say all kinds of foul language, but being that he was only a pigeon, all he could do was coo.  When he reached Loki, he had to grip his back feathers with his little itty, bitty feet.  Loki knew that that was not going to be enough to even slow them down.  “Open your wings!” he called, and that was when he spread his good wing, and tried his best to do the same with the second.  Thor opened his wings, and with the swift updraft of air, they soon began to glide down.  Arrows were no longer loosed upon them, and when they were ten feet off the ground, Loki transformed them back into boys.  When they landed on the ground, Thor was on top of Loki.  “Besides my arm, I think my back hurts now,” Loki said in a gravely tone of voice.  Thor rolled off of him and then looked closely at his arm.  There was a cut where the arrow had clipped it.

“Maybe the birds weren’t such a good idea,” Thor remarked as he helped Loki to his feet.  Loki glared and thought, ‘Oh yeah, standing our ground against four was a brilliant idea too!’  “I’m taking you to Mother, and we’ll sort this out once and for all!  I want everyone to know what menaces they are!” Thor said vehemently.  Loki glanced up at him with a puzzled expression on his face, but he followed Thor anyway.  Thor was muttering to himself the entire way to the garden.  Loki was simply dragged along after him, wincing whenever his arm throbbed.  Finally, Thor and Loki arrived.  “Mother, look at what they did…!” but Thor did not finish.  Ahead of them, sitting around their mothers, were Ares and Hermes; and Sekhmet and Seth.  Thor’s lips became a thin line, but Loki stepped forward.

“My dear Mother, I don’t know if they told you, but we were at the archery range, and I’m afraid somebody well-nigh shot me with an arrow!”  At this realization, Frigga leapt up and came to Loki’s side.  She examined the cut, and then turned like a dark storm cloud on the Greeks and Egyptians.

“Who fired the arrow?!” she asked darkly.  All four boys began to stammer and make excuses, but Loki was not finished.

“They all had bows and arrows, and dear Thor was trying to keep them under control, but one of them must have made a mistake.  That’s when the arrow flew and…  Well, my arm can speak for itself.”

“If you weren’t my brother, I would kiss you!” Thor told Loki that night as they walked back to their chambers.  Loki simply snorted and then looked at his bandaged arm.  “Was it worth it?” Thor asked him when they arrived at his door. 

Loki paused for only a moment, and then said, “Oh, yes.  It was.”

The End

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