The Nine Realm Paradox: Part 1

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When Loki opened his eyes, he found himself staring up at the ceiling of Tony's lab. He felt something cool on his wrist and hip and he glanced around. The Avengers were standing a few feet away and Sigyn was sitting on a chair next to the gurney. Loki glanced down at his wrist and hip and saw that they were still frozen in ice. "Apparently, Frost Giant ice cannot be shattered by mortal implements. I suggested Mjolnir, but Thor was against it," Tony said as he saw that Loki was awake. Loki laughed a little and waved his hand over the ice, causing it to melt. Exposed to the elements again, Loki felt a stinging sensation and he winced. "Jarvis, please get the arms ready for a medical procedure," Tony said as the Avengers approached. As soon as they got close, Thor placed the Book of Hel on the gurney next to Loki. The God of Mischief propped himself up and carefully stroked the binding with his fingers. He glanced at his friends.

"Did you look at it?" he asked Thor.

Thor shook his head before responding, "I may say stupid things, but when it comes to magic, I'm not an idiot." Loki snickered and touched the book. He sighed and looked up at his friends.

"I owe you all an explanation-" he began, but Clint cut him off.

"You don't say, Sherlock?" he said, but Natasha elbowed him and Sigyn shot him a look. Loki conceded and continued.

"Right before you came back to Niffleheim, when I made that deal with Hela, I made it because I knew it would be the easiest to remedy. If I promised her your souls, if you died in battle, then I knew all I needed to do was access the Book of Hel, and change it. I could then put it back without her noticing. And, you would die normal deaths, and she wouldn't be any wiser," Loki said.

"So you always planned on keeping her from getting us?" Steve asked. Loki nodded his head and winced as Jarvis began to stitch the cut on his hip closed.

"You guys are like family to me. I would never betray you," Loki told them.

"Pinkie swear?" Tony asked, holding out his little finger. Loki laughed and extended his own pinkie. They shook and that was when Sigyn cried out and her hand went to her womb.

"The baby! It's coming!" she exclaimed.

End of Part 1

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