The Tale of Loki's Bachelor Party: Part 3

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Loki avoided drinking any of the alcohol that was offered to him. He had purposefully put the spell on it, so that his last freedom feast would be the one everyone talked about for centuries. Thor was already very close to being a vegetable from just a few cups. Loki walked around and answered several questions many of the warriors had about his bride-to-be. Loki was just rounding a pillar when he bumped into Volva. She was older, as gods went. She had not taken an Idun Apple (which was the source of the god's eternal youth) in several years. Volva did it on purpose; her age was her showing her wisdom to the world. Her once uniformed hair, was now streaks of white and grey, but her face was still beautiful and striking. She smiled at her one time pupil and bowed to Loki. He bowed to her, smiling brightly and innocently. "I see you have grown since I last saw you. Not physically, but mentally. I can sense that your knowledge of the mystical arts is vast. I predicted that one day, your magic would surpass the old masters. Not just me, but also your mother," Volva said. Loki's eyes widened at this and he came in close.

"Who did you say this to?" Loki asked in a low voice. Volva smiled widely and actually laughed before answering.

"This was a report I gave to your father the last time I taught you. He seemed very impressed," Volva responded. Loki paled a little.

"Does he know how powerful I really am right now?" Loki queried. Volva shook her head and laid her hand on Loki's shoulder.

"I promised I would never reveal the actual truth. The actual truth of it is, my boy," Volva said as she gave Loki's shoulder a squeeze, "is that if you ever decided to rule Asgard, no single man on his own would be able to stop you." Loki felt a surge of pride go through his body. But it was quickly squelched when he heard a voice.

"Where is he?! I demand to see my brother! Something fishy is going on here, and he's the one to ask!" Loki appeared and saw Thor standing a few feet away, a goblet in one hand, and the mighty Mjolnir in the other. Loki gulped. He had yet to beat the hammer, and today was probably not going to be that day.

End of Part 3

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