The Tale of the Heir of Mischief: Part 3

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Loki leapt to his feet and was about to go storming to the Vault, but Thor stopped him. "Get off of me! He threatened my wife, and my child! In the old days, our ancestors would have killed him for less!" Loki said, shaking Thor off. Odin stepped forward and now he placed a hand on his youngest son's shoulder.

"Helbindi can control illusions, but I doubt that he can harm your wife from inside the Vault. But, just to be safe, we will place extra guards around her," Odin said. That was when a maid came running up and quickly made obeisance.

"Your majesties, I come bearing news from her majesty the queen. Princess Sigyn has gone into labor! Queen Frigga requests the presence of Prince Loki at once!" she said, but Loki was not there to hear her finish. Once she said labor, he was half way down the hall, running as if the world was coming to an end. Thor took one look at Odin, and ran after his brother without waiting for permission.

"Yes Thor, you may join your brother," Odin said, before he followed at a slower pace.

Loki darted through the halls, his swift feet finally taking him right into the birthing chamber. Frigga was standing there, waiting for him. "Loki! Don't go in yet. The time for your child has not yet come. Please, sit with me?" Frigga took his hand and brought him to a bench right outside the door where Sigyn was. Loki looked into her eyes, desiring to tell her what he had just learned about Prince Helbindi. He also wanted to tell her how much he wanted to kill him, but he did not. Thor soon entered the room and joined them, followed a few minutes later by Odin. They all sat together and listened to Sigyn scream in pain. When her screaming suddenly stopped, Loki made a move to go in, but he was still held back by Frigga. He twisted out of her grasp and opened the door, but a maid was standing there waiting for him.

"Sire, something is wrong. The infant is cold and is barely breathing. We hardly see any signs of life. Princess Sigyn is also fading. Her face is slowly turning blue," she explained. Loki's eyes narrowed, his jaw tightened, and his fists clenched.


End of Part 3

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