The Nine Realm Paradox: Part 2

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Loki quickly vacated his spot on the gurney and Thor put Sigyn there. She moaned and gripped Loki's hand. His face was pale and it was not because he had lost blood. "Please tell me you're not going to pass out?" Natasha said as she eased Sigyn into a more comfortable position.

"On Asgard, it is not considered proper for the father to be in the same room with the mother as she gives birth," Loki responded simply, but he made no move to leave Sigyn's side.

"An old fashioned tradition," Clint said as left he the room. Loki just snorted and sat next to Sigyn, putting his arm around her.

"You'd think that since I've already done this once, it wouldn't be this bad," Sigyn said as sweat poured from her. Loki kissed her wet cheek and watched as the other men also left the room. Jarvis was the only one to assist Natasha in any way he could.

"Well, maybe after a couple more, you'll get used to it," Loki told her and Sigyn looked up at him.

"You want more?" she asked with a slightly raised voice.

"Only if the lady is willing," Loki told her with a smile as he stroked her damp forehead. Sigyn smiled back, before a wave of pain overcame her.

Several hours later, the rest of the Avengers were still waiting outside the lab. They could hear Natasha and Loki telling Sigyn encouraging things, but every now and then, she would still cry out. "I'm glad I'm not the father," Clint said.

"You never know, Clint. You're a handsome guy and bad boy," Tony remarked.

"You're one to talk," Steve remarked dryly and Tony chuckled. Thor just waited quietly, drumming his fingers on his thighs, and occasionally, going to the door and pressing his ear against it. Finally, they heard a terrifically long and shrill scream from inside and then the wail of a baby. Thor almost knocked the doors down as he entered. The rest of the Avengers were behind him. The sight that met their eyes startled them beyond belief!

End of Part 2

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