Doom's Day: Part 4

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Loki walked back to his room. When he opened the door and walked in, Sigyn was looking down at Nari in his crib. She turned and when she saw him, she opened her arms to him. Loki went to her and they kissed before looking down at their little creation. "Is Odin still here?" Sigyn asked and Loki nodded. "What did he want?" she queried.

"He wanted what I will not give him," Loki responded coldly, but Sigyn knew the anger was directed at Odin, not her.

"He wanted Nari, didn't he?" Loki looked into her golden eyes before she buried his face in her shoulder. Sigyn wrapped her arms around him and kissed his head. A moment later, she heard what she had not heard in a while. Loki was crying! Sigyn raised his head and saw his forest green eyes were filled with tears. She brushed them away before planting a kiss on his cheek. "He won't get Nari. If he tries, I'll go to my father and have him fight Asgard."

"But that's what I don't want!" Loki told her. "I want to raise Nari in peace and quiet, teaching him what I should have taught Vali. I don't want chaos to be the answer to this. If we have to, we'll leave earth and live somewhere else incognito," Loki said and Sigyn gasped. She loved Midgard, and she loved the Avengers. She could not imagine a life without them. But if peace was to remain in the Nine Realms, then that might be their only option.

"Excuse me, sir," Jarvis' voice suddenly said and they both looked up.

"What Jarvis?" Loki asked. Jarvis paused, only because Loki actually used his name.

"Odin, the Warriors Three, and the Lady Sif are leaving and they want your answer," Jarvis told him. Loki looked at Sigyn, then at Nari in the crib. He stooped down and picked his son up. Sigyn's hand fluttered at her throat for an instant before Loki left.

Their guests were standing at the entrance when Loki appeared, holding Nari in his arms. The Avengers and SHIELD parted for him. When Loki was standing before Odin, he stopped and showed him Nari. "This is the Nine Realm Paradox. I am Ragnarok. And I am here to tell you that we are no threats!"

End of Part 4 

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