The Midgard Vacation Tale: Part 1

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Part 1

“I think we need to go to a place where nobody knows about us!” Thor declared.  Loki rolled his eyes and huffed a little.  It was a few weeks after his near scrape with death at the hands of Mand'e, and Odin was still talking to the Vanir about what Mand'e did.  Thor, Sif, and the Warriors Three were trying to take Loki’s mind off of it.

“Where would we go?  We’ve been to Alfheim, I’ve been to Anaheim, Jotunheim, Svartelfheim, Nidavellir, I can go on you know,” Loki said.  Sif hit him and he shot her a look.  She wrinkled up her nose, but Thor would not let it go any farther.

“We’re going to go to the singular most interesting realm in all the Nine.  Midgard!”  His friends and brother looked at him with wide eyes.

“Thor!  Are you crazy?  Midgard is the most backward and uncultivated realm there is!  Mortals live there with their attempts at science, magic, and fighting.  We go there, we’re more likely to be eaten alive then welcomed,” Fandral said.  Thor stood up straight and put his arm around Loki’s shoulders.

“We all need some time off.  Let’s go to Heimdall and he’ll send us on our way.

“Absolutely not,” was all the Guardian would say when Thor asked him.  The Prince of Thunder’s mouth fell open and Loki could not help but chuckle.  Heimdall shook his head and narrowed his golden eyes at them.  Loki quietly waved his hand and muttered something magical.  That was when the Bifrost came to life.  Heimdall looked around quickly and that was when Loki pushed Thor through the portal.  Thor disappeared and Heimdall spun back to look at them.  He quickly noted that Thor was missing.

“Well, if you want us to go get him back…” Loki said, his voice trailing off.  Heimdall glared at Loki and then quickly signaled that they were to follow Thor to wherever he had gone.  Loki was the next to go in after him.  The rainbow light of the Bifrost surrounded him and he felt the force pulling him to where Thor had gone.  The smirk came on his face just before they landed.  When Loki raised his head, he could not see Thor.  ‘Holy!  I wonder where he’s gone in less than five minutes?’ Loki wondered to himself.  That was when he heard a whizzing sound.  It sounded like arrows being loosed from their strings.  Loki turned and darted towards a hill.  When he reached it and looked down, he saw that a tourney was going on down below him.  Knights in shining armor were going to do battle.  However, he was distracted by the sight of Thor sneaking into a tent.  Loki watched him go in and wondered what he was doing.  His question was soon answered when he saw another man exit.  He was in armor.  Thor was going to fight in the mortal tournament!

End of Part 1

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