Why I am a theist (A Christian)

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Why I am a theist (A Christian)

As a kid we are exposed to the idea of creation and evolution and at most, those two terms serve as a foundation for the position of theists and atheists. During Science lessons in Elementary days we've learned that man came from an ape, and even with my unadulterated young mind I found this to be absurd, and thought that if such change really did occur then why are we not witnessing it now? Why isn't there an species which is midway between an ape and a man? And no, I didn't grow up in a religious family, we did not go to Church every Sunday, my mom did not tell me what to believe, it just so happen that in our home we have our freedom, to believe what we think is right.

Now, let me clarify, I am not against Science in general and evolution in particular, I also believe in evolution though on the micro level where there is no mutation involved unlike in macroevolution where one organism transforms into another organism. I also believe in the "Big Bang" and other relevant scientific theories. I am not an "anti-Science" guy and so are other Christians/theists. Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, Newton, Boyle, Descartes, Pascal and Einstein are scientists who also believed in God so there is no dilemma of believing in Science and God at the same time. For those who think that those who believe in God are stupid then please tell me if those people I mentioned are stupid.

I said I believe in the Big Bang theory, that the universe had a beginning and I believe that God was the one who "banged" it into existence. The universe could not have come from nothing as nothing cannot produce anything, it is logically impossible. If it did not create itself, it must have had a cause and that cause is God. And God does not have a cause, He is the first cause, the uncaused cause. If one is willing to believe that Science will be able to someday explain what caused the beginning of the universe then is it not just faith also?

Dr. Peter Kreeft has pointed out, "No person would see a hut on a beach and conclude that it must have randomly assembled itself by some random natural process, void of an intelligent designer. Its order necessitates a designer. Thus if this "beach hut analogy" is true, how much more should we believe in an Intelligent Designer behind the vastly more complex and ordered universe and the precise physical laws that govern it." This sums up my reason for believing in God, the existence of the universe itself and the intelligent human needs an Intelligent Designer, I don't believe we are brought into existence just by random or lucky chance. I view us as an evidence for the existence of God, if you are going to ask for evidence.

For Christians, we are usually confronted by the following issues and I would like to convey my thoughts on them.

The first one is the Euthyphro's Dilemma, which states "Is that which is good commanded by God because it's good, or is it good because God commands it?". I share the view of the other Christians, which see this dilemma as false or improper, it is not of the form "A or not A but rather A or B hence we could add another alternative would be C. In this case, C would be "Acts which are good are commanded or willed by God because He is good." Goodness is God's nature, flows from His very being, it is neither above nor below Him as the dilemma tries to portray.

The second issue is the Problem of Evil. Mankind was given free will but as a result, it made the possibility of deciding on our own even to the extent of disobedience to the commandment of God, and with that disobedience man brought evil into the world. But it does not mean God will always allow evil in the world, He will put an end into it according to the Bible. The existence of evil does not disprove the existence of God. And on this issue, it is not only the Christians that must answer to this; non-believers are also answerable to the problem of evil.

Lastly, on the issues of contradictions in the Bible, when you found a contradiction did you ever seek an answer or just accepted it as a contradiction? For most, reading the Bible is not enough, and studying it on our own may not be sufficient. Also, we basically need guidance from the Holy Spirit to guide us in understanding it and if one finds a contradiction, then try looking for an answer, ask some help from a true Christian.

By expressing my thoughts on this matter, I really am hoping I will not look like I am trying to undermine the belief or intelligence of the non-believers, I certainly do not hate them but rather I really hope they will someday find a reason to change their stand. I will not question their morality which is based on empathy if they will judiciously use it. And also, it cannot be denied that the majority of them are intelligent, and I still view them as an evidence for the existence of an Intelligent Designer. Sometimes I also share some of their sentiments like how they view that some Christians are only called a Christian because they believe in God but they are not living or following the word of God. I am just sure many are guilty of this.

I really am confident in my belief, and suffice it to say that there is nothing that could change my stand, it is not that I am closed-minded, I certainly looked into the reasons of atheists, and surely I understand (I hope so) where they are coming from, but I remain steadfast in my faith.

PS: Kristiyano ka ba? Kung oo, isinasabuhay mo ba yan o isang simpleng tatak lamang?

Don Urquiqo

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