A letter from her dad

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A letter from her dad

I met Ashley here in the PH. She's a filipina but she grew up in Chicago. She had her vacation here in the Philippines the time that I met her in a church. Her parents were in abroad so before, she have to go there, so our relationship was mostly a long distance relationship. We've been in a relationship for three years until we decided to get married.

My wife's dad gave a letter for me weeks before our wedding..

"1988, couple of years ago, my wife and I were more than happy when we knew that we're going to have our first baby. We made sure that our baby will be born healthy and normal. The day that my wife gave birth we knew that we're going to have a baby girl. Another girl that I will love for the rest of my life aside from my wife. Ashley, has been a jolly and loving little girl. Before, she tears of joy for some simple little things like a piece of Hany or a cotton candy on her birthday and that's how appreciative she is. She grew up with a fear for God and wants to serve God through out her life. She was always the top one on her class. She is very intelligent and hard working kid that's what her teachers usually say during PTA meetings. Ashley reached her teenage years but she did not change. She still remained being a responsible and a caring daughter to us. Until she finished college and entered the real life. Ashley worked hard to provide our needs. She's the one who's paying our medicines, electric, hospital bills and etc She's the one who's supporting the expenses for her little brother's education and that's how responsible she is. We as her parents, are very very thankful to have a daughter like Ashley. An intelligent, respectful, God-fearing, responsible and a goal-oriented daughter. She's a God's gift for us. But now, I know we have to let her feel her own happiness. She has a love life now for how many years of being single and now getting married, that's a WOW for us! Our belief was wrong, our daughter is not a lesbian! Haha. Now, let me give you a piece of advice brother, never make my daughter cry or else. You don't know how lucky you are you little bastard. Don't ruin our trust. Hurting her is like hurting us. And I won't forgive you for that and I would definitely kill you! Make her happy. Treat her as a queen. Love her. Respect her. And I assure you, we can be bestfriends. We'll arrive a day before your wedding day. I'm very excited to meet the second man on my daughter's life. Ready yourself. Wait for me."

This letter gave me chills. My toes were shaking when I finally met her dad. He's very cool. And we are bestfriends now.

Institute of Arts and Sciences (IAS)
FEU Manila

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