❄️Snow Globe ⛄️

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(Sasusaku au fluffy snippet)

Sasuke is having a hard time finding a gift for his girlfriend for Christmas. That is, until he happens upon a unique looking snow globe in the window of an antique store.

P.S. Merry Christmas to all!

The dark-haired teen groaned lowly as he ran a large hand down the full length of his face before rubbing at the back of his neck in frustration. Sasuke Uchiha wasn't normally someone to be 'stumped' when he's put in any situation; but this one... this issue he had been having for at least a few days now was definitely bring his poor mind to a complete blank; he hadn't a clue as to how to rectify it either.

'What in the world am I supposed to do?'

The only think he knew with absolute certainty (the one thing that was very much clear to the young man) was that he simply had to get his girlfriend something for Christmas... but what to get her was the part that was puzzling to him; causing him to scratch at his head for hours but it always ended with the same result... absolutely nothing came to mind. Which is why Sasuke was growing more and more frustrated by the second, by the minute, by the hour and also by the day as they all seemed to be fly past him at warp speed; bringing the young man closer and closer to the final day in which he would be able to find something before time had officially run out. He was never last minute about anything; that is... until now.

The really bad part was that the young Uchiha KNEW for a fact that Sakura had already bought him something and apparently, according to both Naruto and Shikamaru... it was perfect for him; she had done a good job.

He found that his friends had been of little help...

...and his family hadn't been much help either when he had asked them what he should do.

He was completely alone in this... and he felt an impending doom looming over his head as time ran out at a swift pace.

Oh, Sasuke knew Sakura very well, that wasn't the issue in finding the perfect gift. He also knew that his girlfriend wouldn't be bothered if he got her something or not. Material things didn't matter to her; which was one of the many things they he appreciated about his girlfriend. But even still, the young man felt compelled to try and find the perfect gift anyway and so he contemplated his next move over and over again in his mind. He sighed with resignation as he shoved his hands deeply into his jackets pockets as he continued to walk down the small sidewalk; unsure of his real destination as he continued to wander aimlessly through the town's square.

'Come on Uchiha, think! What would Sakura like? I can't just get her another book; I've given her hundreds of those... nor would I know what kind of clothing she would like... so that's not an option either. Ugh, this is just so... annoying.'

While Sasuke was still deep in thought, he failed to notice a short little sign that was placed just outside of the local antique store and proceeded to nearly trip over it but somehow managed to catch himself at the last minute before he fell on his face. His eyes glanced over the store in a lazy fashion until something caught his attention from the corner of his eye.

There was something magical about the object...

... something about the way that it seemed to glow....

...something about the two small figurines that were cuddling up closely together that reminded him so much of himself and Sakura.

It was beautiful...

...somehow it clicked in his mind as he starred at the unique object that this was the perfect gift for his beloved girlfriend.

Sasuke knew that he had to have it. The young man simply had to get it for her and so with a sure hand he pulled the door open to the quaint little store and walked through the threshold with a steady and confident stride.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now