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(Sasusaku au snippet.)


Sasuke Uchiha was studying hard when he heard it.

The sharp and distinctive sound of the school's library doors opening quickly as someone swiftly and not so subtly entered the room.

Curiosity got the best of him and the young man glanced up nonchalantly from his books, only to observe what he would describe as some sort of fairy tale-like creature as the young woman burst through the wooden doors with a finesse that didn't at all match her rainbow-like appearance.

An appearance that made his dark eyes widened in slight shock as he looked her up and down.

The woman's hair was a light shade of pink and was thrown up into a messy bun; long strands of the soft, rosy locks hung down on either side of her rounded cheeks.

The pinkette wore a delicately stitched sundress that ended at her upper thighs, and appeared to have been (quite literally) thrown up on by a unicorn.

Her white sandals fit snuggly on her small feet as she made her way across the room.

Sasuke eyed the woman a moment longer; that is, until his gaze settled onto hers and he felt his heart skip a few beats. The teen found that the girl was staring directly at him; her emerald irises prevented him from doing anything other than watch as she makes her way closer to him... until she stood just a couple feet away.

Sasuke watched her fingers tuck a strand of hair behind her ear before she finally broke the trance between them; averting her gaze to the tiled floor instead while a cute blush blooming across her previously pale cheeks.

Grasping her books tighter against her chest, the girl cleared her throat before speaking. Her voice was smooth like honey and silk; making his own throat tighten with an anxious energy that was completely new to him. "Is this seat taken," she asked quietly pointing to the chair across from his.

Sasuke glanced around quickly and realized that it was in fact the only available seat that wasn't currently occupied.

Unable to find the right words to say, he simply shook his head; indicating to her that she was free to sit if she so pleased. The warm smile that she gave him while placing her stack of books on the table before taking her seat made his heart beat fast. He tried to look away and concentrate on his own reading, but was unable to do so; as the pink-haired female continued to hold his own attention and focus captive.

"Thanks," she said warmly as she opened a large text book before pulling out a pencil and paper. They sat in a companionable silence, for several minutes, before the pinkette cleared her throat once again; which caused him to glance up at her expectantly. "By the way, my name is Sakura. Sakura Haruno. What's yours?"

Now normally, Sasuke wasn't someone who was known for socializing with other people... that he didn't know on a more personal basis that is... but for some reason, this girl made him want to open up.

For some odd and strange reason... he felt the urge to spill all his deepest and darkest secrets. Sakura just had this presence about her that was both welcoming and inviting; even after just a few short minutes of being around each other.

His eyes met hers and he felt the anxious energy subside; giving way to a feeling of warmth and familiarity that he had only ever felt before with his family and best friend. He held his hand out for her in an offered greeting, and when she put hers in his... he felt sparks race across his skin.

"Sasuke. My name is Sasuke. Uchiha."

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now