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Sasuke Uchiha was exhausted, but he knew that she was too. Sakura Haruno had done so much already; she deserved a break.

A sasusaku post-war snippet.


The sun was setting, when they made it back to their broken-down village. The rubble scattered across the ground, and practically blending into the landscape itself in some places, while people strolled about... attempting to find their beloved belongings in the wreckage.

The lone Uchiha observed his surroundings, and tried to picture the way that Konoha used to be; from his long-ago memories. It has been a while, since he's been... well... home. But, could he still consider this home; was he really even welcomed back here? Decidedly not with opened arms, he knew, like his best friend was; that's for sure. Did he still have a place here? Or was he—

"Oi, Sasuke," a low voice to his right called out to him, and Sasuke's attention was shifted back to the present; to the blonde-haired boy whom was standing directly beside him. Naruto gave him a tired smile; before nodding his head to their left. Sasuke turned and his mismatched orbs landed on the only female member of their team.

Sakura was visibly exhausted; with dark-colored circles residing under her viridescent orbs and a lethargic, fatigued presence to her feminine gait. She didn't seem to notice her teammates gazes; focusing forwards on the carnage surrounding them on all sides.

Her expression was sorrowful... at best.

"Hey, Sakura-chan...," Naruto intoned; his body shifting closer to her own as he tried to grasp her attention. The young woman merely hummed distractedly in response, but didn't turn to meet his eyes. "Why don't you go and take a rest for a little while? You've done a lot already."

"Huh, oh... I'm fine," she mumbled, as she finally turned; giving him a warm smile and a dismissive wave of her hand. "You know me," she responded with a light chuckle.

"Yeah...," he huffed. "I do. Which means... I know that you will work yourself into the ground."

She rolled her green eyes and placed her hands on her shapely hips; staring him down. "Naruto, should be more concerned with yourself. Look at you; you're a complete mess. Both of you are! In fact, we should go and find lady Tsunade... right away; and ask her to..."

As she mumbled on, Sasuke looked at her with a soft smirk pulling at the corner of his thin lips. If the war had taught him anything about Sakura, it was that she was stubborn to a fault; and way to hard working for her own good. He knew that she would do what Naruto said... and run herself into the ground, before stopping once to think about her own needs and injuries. Giving everything, she has... until she has nothing else to give.

He knew that she needed to take a break; but he also knew that she wouldn't stop. That was just who she was, and Sasuke was secretly proud of her for it.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now