🔞 The She-Wolf in Heat 🔞

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(Sasusaku au. Full wolves version)

This one is really different.
I hope that's okay! ✌️

A rather large wolf with jet black fur stalked his small prey patiently through the dense foliage of the forest surrounding his quaint home. Though, he wasn't hungry for an evening meal but rather he was hungry for something else...

His intended target was a very petite she-wolf with fur as white as freshly fallen snow. She was currently completely and utterly unaware of his ever-looming presence behind her as he hides in the shadows and watched her intently while she moved throughout his territory with an almost lazy gate.

He licked his large jowls repeatedly as he moved silently into a crouching position behind some rather thick brush. The wolf was simply hiding and waiting for the opportune moment to make his first move.

He could sense that her heat was coming soon, which would account for why she seemed so restless, and he wanted dibs; after all she was on his territory to begin with.

He wanted to be the one to take her for his own.

He wanted to be the one to mount her.

He wanted to put her beneath him and claim her for himself.

To make her his mate.

To impregnate her using his seed.

As an alpha wolf... it was his right to do so.

The she-wolf's scent was intoxicating and it drew him to her like a moth was drawn to a flame. He wanted her, now, but he had to be patient. For he knew that it wouldn't be an easy task to achieve.

He would have competition and even though he couldn't see them; he could certainly smell them approaching. They were all lurking nearby and it irked him that they were on his territory, that they were ready and waiting just like him... but he held himself back for the time being; he just had to be patient.

Patient and quick.

He watched as she startled; his ears twitching to the sound of a small twig snapping just to her left and he watched as an unknown male wolf slowly approached what he now considered to be his female; a low, deep growl was poised at the back of his throat as his eyes narrowed into dangerous slits. Every muscle in his body poised to attack should the need arise.

The newcomer looked to be rather scraggly and malnourished.

His fur was a deep shade of red and it stood out in several places along his spine and ribs. The wolf's eyes were the color of dirt and he looked to be fairly nervous as he approached the female with a small whimper.

The black wolf watched as the male lowered his lanky body to the ground before his she-wolf. She regarded him with an air of indifference as he tried to lick her muzzle affectionately.

He watched anxiously as his female approached the other male slowly. Her black nose pressed against him for a split second before she reared back and snapped her teeth at him. A low, deep growl resonated in the clearing as she snarled her agitation; effectively ruining his chances and much to the black wolf's deep satisfaction, he watched as the other male slunk away in defeat with his tail quite literally between his legs.

The same thing happened several more times, a new male would approach her and each time it ended with the same results as she would send them all away. Defeated males seemed to pout as they slunk away and the she-wolf was always left alone. This was how the first few days of her impending heat went.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now