I Will Keep You Safe, Always

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           (A Sasusaku blank period idea I had)
She couldn't believe it...

They had been attacked...


Sakura was absolutely panic stricken. She fought desperately with herself to calm down but she simply couldn't. 'Where are you, Sasuke-kun?' Her heart beat was ringing in her eardrums deafeningly as she clutched her tiny infant within her strong arms tightly. She huddled, with her back pressed firmly against a brick wall, in a dark alley; the young babe lay peacefully within her mother's tight hold, completely unaware of her mother's growing turmoil. Sakura's plump lips parted as her warm breath came out sharply and her green eyes flashing from side to side as she searched the dark shadows surrounding their small hiding place for any sign of danger. 'Sasuke-Kun...please, hurry back to me.' She blinked harshly as her eyes began to water, the first sign of tears forming at the corners. She had long since gotten over her 'crybaby' phase but Sakura was still a very emotional person and being a new mother didn't help things as her hormones were still completely out of whack.

Suddenly a dark figure dropped down beside her and a loud shriek left the pinkette's lips as she jerked away from the newcomer; punching him directly across the jaw. "Damn it, Sakura...," a gruff voice hissed lowly and her heart nearly burst when she recognized the voice. The figure slowly came into view and she felt her body begin to shake uncontrollably as the adrenaline began to steadily seep from her pores. Sasuke sat in a crouched position beside her, rubbing his now swollen jaw with a soured expression on his face that was directed towards his wife.

"Oh my god...Sasuke-kun! I'm so sorry...I just... you startled me and I... I'm so very sorry," Sakura whispered as she pulled their daughter closer to her chest; the young child somehow still sleeping peaceful after all of the commotion, though, it probably had something to do with the fact that she was tucked snuggly against her mother's warmth. "You scared me to death. I thought you were the rogue." He grunted as his eyes moved to observe their surroundings, his mismatched gaze shifting swiftly to assess the level of threat surrounding his young family. When he found nothing, swirling red receded, leaving only black in its place. Sasuke's focus once again moved to his wife and child and his harsh gaze softened as he saw that Sakura's small frame was still shaking slightly. He reached out and brushed her cheek gently with the rough pads of his fingertips. "I... I thought..."

"It's okay Sakura," he cooed gently. "I told you I wouldn't let anything happen to either one of you."

"I know you did but still I..."

"Don't you trust me?"

"Of course I do," she hissed defiantly.

"Hn." He lifted his fingers and pressed them affectionately to her diamond shaped seal before resting them gently on their daughter's forehead, which in turn caused the young child's face to scrunch up slightly. They both smiled down at her reaction before their eyes met once more. Unexpectedly, Sasuke's arm reached out and his hand grasped firmly around the back of his wife's head. He pulled her close, pressing his forehead against hers; their eyes remaining locked. "Trust me Sakura...trust in my words," he rasped, his voice was thick with a rare show of emotion.  "I will keep you both safe, always. Until my dying breath...I will not let any harm come to the two of you."

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now