🔞Comfort: Part 2 🔞

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(Sasusaku; Sasuke comforting his wife in the best way he can think of...with actions rather than words. Another roughish draft. Also, I found the art on google, I didn't draw it myself.)
Sasuke lapped hungrily at Sakura's neck and collarbone, leaving trails of warm saliva in his wake causing the pinkette to moan softly.  Her fingers tangling lazily in his wet hair as she threw her head to the side, giving her husband better access which, he gladly accepted as his mouth began to suck on her sensitive skin more feverishly; his hunger for her mounting rapidly by the second. "S-Sasuke-Kun...please...," Sakura cried softly as she rocked her hips slowly; her own need was beginning to leak from her core now, dripping down her leg only to be washed away by the warm spray from the showerhead. Sasuke chuckled darkly at her hushed plea as he leaned back to gaze into her green eyes, the look she gave him was full of her growing desires and he felt his masculine pride grow knowing he was the one...the only one...able to make Sakura Uchiha feel this way.

"I need help getting out of these clothes first. Would you want to...," but his words were cut off by the harsh sound of wet fabric tearing and his eyes widened marginally when he realized Sakura had quite literally just torn his shirt from his body; the pieces of fabric falling to the shower floor with a gentle plop. The smirk on her face was downright sinful as she moved her hands to grasp the hem of his pants. She unbuttoned them slowly before dragging them down his thick thighs quickly, her gaze never left his when her fingers grabbed both sides of his underwear and just like before they met the same fate as his poor shirt. She leaned back admiring her work, a look of pure satisfaction and amusement written on her face.

"There...now, where were we?" When Sakura bit her lower lip, he nearly lost it, his hand moving to grip her hip tightly as his lips met hers in a passionate blaze setting them both on fire. Sakura's pleased moans mixed perfectly with Sasuke's low grunts as their hands worked over each other in a desperate need that only the other could fulfill. The need for oxygen hit Sakura first and she pulled away, resting the back of her head against the cool tiles as she gasped slightly while letting her fingers dig deeply into Sasuke's bare shoulders. He looked at his flustered wife, nearly in awe of her; his heart beating rapidly as his eyes scanned her petite figure slowly.

"S-Sasuke," she questioned, her eyes searching his but instead of answering he moved closer to  kiss her more softly than before, his grip on her hip loosening as he brought his hand up to the back of her neck. Their tongues danced gently between them when he pushed his past her swollen lips and his fingers played lazily with the ends of her hair. He decided he wanted to worship his wife tonight, a stark contrast to how all of this began. He wanted to show her just how much he loved her, how much she meant to him and since he considered himself to be a man of action more than a man of words, he decided he would do just that. His mind made up and wanting to please his wife above all else, Sasuke slowly began to sink onto his knees before her; his lips and hand trailing delicate feathery touches down her smooth, pale skin as he worked his way down her body. Once his knees hit the tile flooring and his face was directly in front of Sakura's sex, he let his gaze lift until he was looking directly at her and watched as her bright, green eyes widened slightly as she finally realized what he was about to do.

"W-Wait...Sas...ahh." His tongue cut off her words as he licked her slowly at first, experimentally, to gage her reaction and as always, she didn't disappoint him. Her thin fingers grasping the ends of his dark hair tightly as he drove his tongue further into her hot core, encouraged by the soft moans that escaped past her parted lips. Sakura's head was jerking from side to side rapidly and her teeth were clamped firmly onto her knuckles as she fought to keep her voice down, fearing the sounds of her pleasure would awaken their daughter who was sleeping soundly in the next room. Sasuke watched her closely, his mismatched gaze never leaving her soft features (which were twisted in pleasure) as he moved a lone finger to brush gently against her swollen clit; his tongue still working her core with expert precision. As seconds turned to minutes his wife grew more and more flustered; her shapely hips became jerkier with their movements and as Sakura  neared her climax, she pressed herself more firmly against her husband's mouth. Sasuke brought his fingers to her core and began pumping his long digits within her heat, letting his head come up for air as his dark eyes focused intently on Sakura's face.

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