Time & Time Again

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(Sasusaku. Blank period.)
-Flashback -

The first time Sasuke Uchiha saw Sakura Haruno naked had been unexpected and had left him completely and utterly speechless. He had watched her with a widened gaze as she dropped her silky kimono shyly to the floor, her green eyes focused on her bare feet as she awaited his reaction; a light blush dusting her cheeks a rosy hue due to her slight insecurities and embarrassment at her own actions. His breath had hitched as it got caught in the thick lump of emotion slowly constricting his throat, his brain had short-circuited and his mouth had hung wide open but no sound had escaped past his lips for his poor lungs were now deprived of much needed oxygen. His blood was pounding deafeningly in his eardrums and began to race downwards as he continued to stare, unable or unwilling to look away from the exotic woman now standing completely bare before him.

The longer they stood there in complete silence the more nervous Sakura became and he saw as her body began to shake slightly though he wasn't sure if it was due to her nerves or perhaps it could be due to the cool chill in the air...though he suspected it was possibly a combination of both. Either way she began to shift on her feet and slowly her eyes glanced up at him as she finally grew brave enough to meet his dark eyes. "I um...," she whispered, her voice thick with anxiety but she pierced her lips tightly as her eyes glanced away once again, unable in that moment to hold his intense gaze. "I... this was a bad idea," she bent to grab her robe. "I shouldn't have...I-I'm sorry..."

"Sakura," his tone was an octave lower than normal, an indication he was just as affected as she was and he watched as she swallowed slowly, her tongue darting out to lick her lower lip; a gesture of her anxiety. "Don't...please, don't cover yourself."

"But...I... you..."

"Sakura," he took a step forward and her eyes met his once more. He reached out with his lone hand to caress her cheek and she nuzzled into his palm slightly; a small smile formed on his tight lips at her reaction. His mismatched eyes roamed her body hungrily...freely and it made her blush deepen as her body shivering slightly due to his harsh scrutiny. Her insecurities began to flare up again and she twiddled her fingers in front of her, waiting for him to make a move. His eyes scanned her slowly now as he committed every inch of her to his memory.

Her unique pink hair and bright, expressive green eyes...

Her silky skin marked with a few small scars...

Her every curve...

"You're absolutely stunning," he whispered tenderly as his fingers moved to wrap around the back of her head, pulling her to him gently until her bare body was pressed up against him. He had to fight his own shiver as his hard member pressed against her stomach, the slightly unfamiliar ache becoming more pronounced with her so close to him but he ignored it for the time being; needing for once to convey his feelings to her. "The most beautiful woman I've ever seen. How did I get so lucky Sakura..."

Her cheeks were now several shades darker than her hair but she didn't look away, green focused on black and purple. Her own hands wrapped around his sides until they rested on the lower part of his back. "I'm the lucky one Sasuke-Kun." Instead of answering with words he pressed his lips against hers, showing her with his actions how thankful he was for her...how much he loved her.

Now, as he looked at his lover sleeping soundly beside him whose bare back faced his front, he couldn't help but think back to that day, the first time that Sakura Haruno and he...Sasuke Uchiha first made love and then every time since. The images flashed swiftly before him and thanks to his powerful eyes he remembered ever detail:

The first time they made love on the bed...

A couple days later in the forest under a starry sky...

Even once in a dark alley as both became consumed with an unquenchable desire, suddenly unable to hold back any longer...

Time and time again it was never the same, always a new place or new position to be explored as they learned each other's bodies but one thing would always remain constant in his eyes... unchanged, and that is the fact that they would always be connected. Their bond was unbreakable and their love for one another was completely pure and unforced. It was natural and he knew deep in his heart that it would last through all the hardships that might come their way...it would last a lifetime.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now