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"S-Sasuke...(moan) I can't...please...I," when she felt his fingers twist inside of her...again...she threw her head back and let out a loud moan, eyes shutting tightly and fingered curling into sheets as pleasure raced through her veins. She missing the triumphant smirk that crossed her lovers face as he worked her body. They had done this enough times that he knew all of her most sensitive spots, the ones that would bring her the most pleasure and he loved manipulating them just to see the pleasurable expressions she would make...only for him, he was the only one aloud to see her in this state of pure bliss.

"Yes, you can," he growled voice low and deep making goosebumps break out across her heated flesh. His movements quickened as he began to rub her small bundle of nerves faster, his smirk growing wider the louder she got. He was sure they would hear complaints from the neighbors but honestly, he could care less, the only think that mattered in that moment was her. He leaned over her, moving so close that his chest brushed hers and he touched his lips to the skin just below her ear softly. "Come for me Sakura. Now."

And not for the first time that night her body tensed as she screamed out his name until her voice grew hoarse, riding out her climax on his fingers before falling limply to the mattress below. Her breath was coming out harshly and she had to force her eyes to stay open as she gazed up into his prideful face. She saw the intent in his eyes then and hers grew wide as she watched him lowered his body until he was face to face with her drenched sex, his eyes never left hers as he licked his lips in anticipation. "Sasuke," she questioned as her hands moved to grasp his thick hair between her thin fingers.

"I'm not done with you yet," he groaned as he lowered his face to her.

Authors notes:
This story will most likely become a one shot or short story but I haven't decided.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now