🧛 Making a Choice 🩸

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Life is a little complicated for a vampire who's fallen in love with a human. Especially when he himself doesn't even realize or understand his own feelings.

A vampire, human sasusaku AU snippet. Contains slightly 18+ content, but not full-on smut!


Tick. Tick. tick.

Sasuke Uchiha praised his little pet as she twirled for him, his smirk growing when his eyes landed on the recent, still dripping with blood, marks that he had placed so delicately upon her neck. His back was resting, relaxed, against the armchair's plush cushions and when the little minx turned to face him once more (after yet another round of twirling) he indicated slowly with his finger for her to come closer to him; which she happily obliged.

Sakura smiled at him as she sauntered to him, her curves jutting out and ready to practically burst the seams of her skin tight dress. He grasped onto her as soon as she was within arm's reach and swiftly pulled her onto his lap before attacking her delicate and delicious lips with his own. He then moved to her throat, while his large hands explored her petite figure.

The female gasped under his experienced hands and was humping and gyrating against his thigh at this point as she moaned his name into the ceiling above. He was about to give in to temptation, lips sucking on her pulse point while his long fingers reached for the hem of her dress, when he appeared.

The knock at his door startled him and seconds later Itachi entered. "Go away, brother," Sasuke growled with a frown, but the older Uchiha shook his head. "I'm busy, come back later," he tried again.

But, the older vampire (annoyingly) still remained.

Tick. Tick. tick.

"We need to talk, Sasuke." His eyes shifted to the woman straddling his brother's lap... who seemed to be oblivious to his presence entirely. 'Enthrallment is a powerful thing.' Itachi ignored the glares and spoke again. "Alone." Sasuke rolled his black eyes but complied... if only to get rid of this annoyance and continue his exploration of Sakura's body. The young Prince whispered something in her ear and she nodded before slowly sliding from his thighs, and then she stood on slightly shaky feet. His eyes followed her form as she walked away from him... the look in them was dark.

"What is it now," he asked after the bathroom door closed behind her. His brother gave him a contemplative, though disapproving, look and waited for the sound of the shower to start before continuing.

"You can't keep her, Sasuke," his brother warned, glancing to the side to make sure the staff wasn't close. "Humans are meant to be food, nothing more. You know what father has said. You have kept her for far too long. He will start to question your intentions. Then, you won't have a choice in the matter. It will be out of your hands."

"I know, but...," he paused when the older vampire flashed beside him.

Itachi grasped him firmly around the neck before dragging him forwards, his lips pressing tightly against his brother's ear. "Either turn her or kill her. Father won't stand the fact that she is still alive. He will act if you don't," he whispered and Sasuke tensed beneath his grasp... eyes flashing red. "I don't know what this fascination is that you have with her but it needs to stop. Now."

Tick. Tick. tick.

He shoved his brother back roughly and stood... growling menacingly; his white teeth flashing in the lamplight, while his nails and fangs descended. Itachi's eyes flashed at the dominant act and he growled a low warning for his brother to back down. The two were squaring off, ready to battle it out, when the door to the bathroom opened... just a sliver; revealing a warm cloud of steam, followed by an anxious looking human.

Tick. Tick. tick.

"Sasuke, is everything okay," she asked cautiously.

"Hai, go back in there, Sakura. I will join you shortly."

The female swallowed nervously before sticking her head out further, water dripping from her damp locks while her gaze shifted between the two... now stoic looking... men. "Are you sure? I thought that I heard..."

"Sakura," he hissed, his voice low and commanding. "All is well. Don't worry. Now... do as I say and go back. Please." When she hesitated again, his red eyes swirled, then hers glazed over before she nodded ever so slowly... stepping back into the room and closing the door behind her.

Tick. Tick. tick.

Itachi straightened his suit before walking to the door, but he turned before he left and gave Sasuke a firm glare. "Do remember what I said. Time ticks by quickly and father will be home soon from tonight's hunt." With that, he finally left his brother alone, but Sasuke felt no better for it as he made his way to the bathroom, stripping his clothing as he went.

He would have to make a hard decision. Either kill her or turn her... neither of which had happened in the history of vampires. It would be so much easier for him if he could just do the former, but for some reason... he was unable to fathom it. So, he would have to come up with a solution... and soon.

As Itachi stated, time was ticking by quickly and he had to think of something fast. Otherwise, he really wouldn't have a choice in what her future held.

'Maybe... I should turn her? But, is that too selfish of me? Why am I even thinking about this? It should be a simple fix. Kill her or turn her. Simple solutions, right. So, why isn't it an easy decision to make? Why? Why? Why?'

Tick. Tick. tick.

"Sasuke, are you coming...," his pink-haired human called out to him and he shook his head to clear it. "The water is starting to get a little cold."

"Hai, Sak. I'm coming...," he said before entering the room and closing the door behind him. The gentle sounds of the wall clock became drowned out by their moans of pleasure but nonetheless, it was an indication that time was indeed still moving by far too quickly, and only minutes later—

The sound of the front door opening could be heard...
... followed by loud footsteps on the hardwood stairs...
... and then—

A single knock was heard on his bedroom door, followed by a woman's agonizing scream. Then, nothing apart from the ever-constant ticking of the wall clock could be heard.

"Sasuke, son... open up. We need to talk. Now."

Tick. Tick. tick.


Author's Notes:

If any of these sound like your own writing or another you have read, I apologize but I didn't copy anyone's work. This is entirely my own writing.

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