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The aftermath of fighting Boro.

A Sasusaku Boruto-era inspired snippet.


"... and another thing, Sarada," her mother continued; fingers clenched tightly around the clipboard in her arms as she berated her daughter accordingly. "... you are always getting into dangerous situations in which it seems as if you care very little about your own well- being."

"Mama," the young Uchiha called softly, bringing a halt to her mother's tirade. "Isn't that what it means to be a shinobi? Isn't that what we are trained for, Mama? Lord Seventh was in danger... and I just felt like I had to do something to help him. I'm sorry Mama if I hurt you in the process."

Sakura Uchiha sighed and placed the clipboard on the nightstand before sitting beside her injured daughter on the sterile sheets. She wrapped her hands around her child's and squeezed softly. "I just worry about you. It's my job as your mother to worry." Sarada watched as her mother took a deep and shuddered breath before a single tear slipped from the corner of her emerald orbs. "You... could have died."

"I'm sorry."

Sakura shook her head and smiled... though the intent of it didn't quite meet her eyes; she still seemed... sad. "Don't be, Sarada. I understand. It's just hard because I love you so much; I just hate the idea that something could happen to you."

"I'm strong... just like you, Mama. I can handle it."

This made a genuine smile and soft chuckle escape the pink-haired medic, causing a small smile to form on Sarada's lips as well. "That you are, my darling girl. You are stubborn as well."


"Just promise me you will try to be more careful next time."

Sarada released her mother's hands in order to wrap her arms around her, squeezing the matriarch tightly and resting her head against her chest. "I will, Mama. I promise." Sakura squeezed her back and for a moment all was silent, until—

"So, the chidori huh?"


Both women released each other to glance at the lone figure who had just entered the room; a soft smile upon the patriarch's face as he watched his family with silent affection. Sakura smiled at her husband and stood as he made his way to his daughter's bedside.

"Have you been practicing?"

"Hai. Ever since you left, though I didn't know if I would be able to do it properly. I'm glad it worked."

Sasuke nodded his head and placed his large hand on top of his daughter's head to ruffle her ebony locks. "I knew you would succeed. That's my—"

A long, awkward pause, then...

A knowing glance was exchanged between the married couple before a soft, pink blush made its way to the woman's cheeks and she glanced away to busy herself with her daughter's charts while the dark-haired male cleared his throat.


"Never mind. Make sure you get plenty of rest and I will be back soon."

"Are you leaving?"

Sasuke gave his worried daughter a gentle smile. "No. I just have a few things I need to do around the village before I return to check on you." And with that, Sasuke had vanished.

Sakura sighed and began tucking Sarada back into bed but before she could leave the room, her daughter was calling out to her. "Mama...," the young teenager whispered. "What was Papa about to say when he said that's my? That's my what?"

The deep, red blush that dusted her mother's cheeks began to rise to her ears... and Sarada's eyes widened as the older woman began to stumble over her words.

After an embarrassingly long and awkward explanation she placed her hand on the doorknob and said one last farewell before swiftly exiting the hospital room, leaving her daughter to wonder what the heck just happened.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now