Feral Luna - Chapter 1 🔞

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After years of being tortured, her wolf finally snapped. It became unhinged... it became fully feral. When her mate finally finds her, he's shocked at her abused state.

Will Sakura ever be the same and will her wolf ever learn to trust (or even love) again?

*A sasusaku AU. Supernatural. Romance. Slight angst. Happy ending. Eventual Smut (probably as humans and as animals). Let me know if you guys would want me to go into this one and make it into a full fic!*

Chapter 1 - Kidnapped

5 years earlier...

The sun was hanging low in the sky in the far-off distance as the thundering of paws across the arctic ground startled and then scattered any nearby wildlife. Four large wolves raced through the brush while two smaller ones ran at their flanks.

Suddenly, a scent captured one of the female's attention and she cut off from the rest of her pack... sending them a small growl to gather their attention. They quickly followed while one of the male wolves charged ahead, chasing after his wayward mate. She dashed forward, nostrils flaring as she scented the air again, changing her trajectory slightly to align herself perfectly with her prey.

Her small paws sunk deeply into the frosty ground, which was covered in a small layer of ice and powdery snow. Her bright irises narrowed as she slowed her strides to avoid crashing into a large branch that was hanging precariously in her path.

Within seconds, the she-wolf had found him; a large buck strutting ahead of them with his muzzle to the ground as he attempted to forage for a quick meal. By the time he realized her presence, and the presence of the pack at her heels, it was far too late. With a sharp battle cry the young she-wolf launched herself at him, her back legs springing her forwards off of the earth, while her jaw opened wide to reveal sharp, white canines.

The buck jerked when Sakura's teeth sank harshly into his jugular, but as he reared up, she held fast. Her front paws pushed on his shoulders as her mate came in to help, their pack surrounding them and closing off any escape that the buck might attempt to make, while they snapped their own teeth at any part of his flesh that they could reach when he tried to venture too closely to them.

They worked together to bring down their large opponent and with a final struggling breath from the poor beast, the wolf pack had finally found their victory.


Sakura was lying next to her mate, after the warm meal in her belly helped to sooth her hunger, when she heard it. A soft click to her right. She opened her eyes and lifted her head before rising slightly to glance around. When she didn't see anything, she had almost decided to go back to sleep, when the same sound only slightly louder occurred once again. And then again, and again.

Curiosity finally won out and slowly she made her way to her feet. She stretched her hindquarters before nuzzling her mate's cheek and then trotting past their sleeping pack mates to investigate. Deeper and deeper she went until she came across a small clearing. There, in the middle of the tiny meadow was a man.

She paused.

Feeling slightly uneasy at his presence, she waited and watched. But even though she had seemingly found the source of the noise, she couldn't get a good look at him because he had his back to her. Wanting the protection of her pack, she turned to run back to them when she was suddenly confronted by two very large Bengal tigers.

The she-wolf's ears went back and her teeth began to poke past her gums. A small, soft growl of warning left her lips and a low tsk could be heard behind her. She dared not turn her back on these cats, but could feel the man turning to gaze at them. To gaze at her.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now