Beauty & Beast

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(Sasusaku; au. Human vs. Beast. I hope this summarizes up the whole thing and makes it easier to understand if it wasn't before: It's the curse that literally took over him and changed him; the only thing that can save him and bring him out of the darkness, is the love of his mate.)

Sorry guys. I'm hating all of my work lately and I'm not in a good headspace; I apologize.


After numerous failed attempts...

... they think that they have finally found her...

... the one whom they have been searching for, for nearly a full decade now...

... the "antidote" to this blasted curse that has consumed the poor man's body entirely...

... creating the dark creature of the night that now resides as a prisoner in his very own castle.


... it has to be now...

... it's finally time to see if she truly is the right fit (the right one) to cure him and bring forth peace to their lands—

"Bring her to the castle... the young woman with the uniquely colored hair. Use whatever means necessary in order to do so, for we need to put an end to this; before he destroys us all."


The young woman's motionless body was dump carelessly into the damp, dark, and dingy cell; her petite frame rolling across the uneven ground until it came to a slightly jerky stop in the center of the concrete flooring. She was lying on her side with her arms and legs tucked up towards her abdomen and face; the young woman was completely unconscious.

The large beast that dwelled within the shadows arose from where he rested in the corner; lifting his muzzle slightly while his nostrils flared rapidly as he took in the newcomer's scent. The metal chains that secured him to the far wall rattled as he slowly stood before creeping forward from the darkness; allowing his large, menacing form to come into view slowly. Red eyes honed in on the young female lying before him and he lowered his large head towards her... nudging her side gently until she was lying flat on her back; though the pinkette remained perfectly still as darkness still consumed every crevice of her mind.

The creature's eyes darted towards the metallic bars of his prison; a low, feral growl of warning rumbled in the back of his throat as he watched the young guards flinch away from his intense gaze. The group watched on anxiously as they collectively held their breath; waiting to see what his next move would be.

'Would this woman be the one to finally tame the beast within their Master? Would this woman be the one to help cure their poor Prince's evil and depraved curse? Would she somehow be his cure... or would she end up just like the others? Dead and buried on the castle grounds; only to turn into fresh nourishment for the surrounding foliage... forcing their search for the antidote to continue.'

Appearing to be satisfied with their response, the large creature lowered his head once more and... starting from the woman's toes... he worked his way up; sniffing and prodding at her gently with his wet nose; (lingering for a few extra moments on her privates, as any animal would) his snout rooting into her as he drew her scent in deeply. When he reached her face however, he paused; his blood, red eyes searching her features slowly as if he was waiting to see what she would do or how she would react. But she remained perfectly still... just as before; unmoving.

His nose pressed into the pale, smooth flesh on her cheek; pushing the woman's head to the side to expose the silky, slender column of her neck. He pressed into her there and took a large inhale of breath through his nostrils; the creature's wet snout pushing into her flesh more firmly as his already dark eyes began to darken further. He made a sound (almost like a purr) in the back of his throat and the deep sound reverberated in his chest as he nuzzled her; contentment seeming to take over him as he scooted himself closer to her much smaller body.

The colossal beast wrapped himself around her protectively, cocooning her within his large frame and placed his head onto her bosom; effectively claiming her as his own.

The young guards, who were watching the hasty exchange, sighed with relief; pleased that they wouldn't have to deal with another failed attempt at finding the dark beast's mate... for its previous  reactions to their ventures had been severe and deadly for anyone whom had been near him and ended in the poor groundskeepers having to dig more holes to bury the poor people whom had sadly perished in the encounter.

They decided collectively that it was best to just let the two of them be alone for now and slowly walked away after taking one final glance at the young woman; whose life had just changed far beyond anything she could have probably ever predicted.


The beast was pleased to finally be alone with his "prize" and snuggled as close to the young woman as he could without crushing her; the deep, low rumbling in his chest continued as he closed his red eyes and waited patiently for his female to finally awaken.

The vile curse would take a long time to fully heal and slowly bring back the young man whom had been consumed by the evil of it and transformed into the dark creature of the night; but they had time to figure it all out later, because right now—

His mate was finally with him and he couldn't be more pleased.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now