🔞 Toxic Intoxication 🔞

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Even vampires can have a little fun at a Halloween party.

Vampires Sasuke & Sakura. An AU snippet with 18+ smut.


She sucked harder... the young man in her grasp groaning sensually as she drew in more of his life's blood from the two, deep puncture wounds on his neck. Her soulmate, the Prince of Darkness or also known as Sasuke Uchiha, held the male still from behind... his own thin lips and chiseled chin still dripping crimson droplets, not yet congealed, from his own kill just moments before this incident.

When Sakura's eyes met his, she felt a warm tingle in the pit of her stomach... which traveled lower... past her navel and towards her womanhood. She couldn't stop the groan that slipped between lips and flesh... causing her partner's eyes to flash from black to red.

He growled dangerously at her before suddenly ripping the man away from his mate and tossing him to the ground. He then grasped onto her bottom and lifted, before flashed them to the adjacent wall; her back flush with the bricks as his lips descended onto hers passionately. Her tiny hands worked as fast as he did, both undoing and moving the other person's clothing... to make way for heated passion.

She didn't even have to position him because as soon as his cock was free, and her skirt and panties were pushed to the side, he entered her. Sakura gasped at the contact and threw her head back against the wall, giving complete access to her mate's mark that Sasuke had placed on her as soon as they first met. He took advantage of this almost instantly.

Sucking and licking as he thrust against her at a frenzied pace. "Fuck," he hissed when she rotated her hips against him. His grip on her only tightened at this, before he was reaching up to trap her hands against the wall by the wrist. His teeth flashed as he pressed his forehead against hers. "What are you doing to me, woman? Shit! Why can't I get enough of you? You're so... wet for me. Such a good little girl... aren't you, my love."

"Oh god... Sasuke! It's so, s-so... ugh... d-deep. P-please! More! Ahh! F-fuck... me... agh... h-harder!"

She didn't have to tell him twice.

He adjusted her once and pressed his hips firmly against her, to help hold her up, while his other hand raked up her side (blunt nails scraping against bare skin) until it pushed its way beneath her flimsy top, effectively cupping a petite breast while his thin lips and tongue worked on her mouth.

This new possessiveness from her mate... the change in their position... all combined with the friction of his pelvic bone pressing against her little swollen bundle of nerves to set her off and send her over the edge.

"Agh... AHHH!!!"

Sakura screamed into his mouth as her walls came down firmly around his girth, causing a grunt to escape him while his movements became more erratic. It was only seconds later, when Sasuke had joined her in utter bliss.

Afterwards, he helped her dress before grabbing her hand, and then (after sidestepping the slumped, unmoving figure in a crumpled, mangled heap on the ground) they began to walk to the dance floor.


20 minutes later...

Sakura felt completely intoxicated, high even... almost as if her soul had somehow lifted from her body to watch her vampiric form sway across the dance floor, blood dripping from her fangs still as she spun into the arms of her lover.

Her arms wrapped around his neck while his hands moved to her waist, their lips clashing briefly before pulling apart to stare deeply into each other's eyes. His eyes shifted to slowly raked down her form before a small smirk lifted his lips, his hips pressing more firmly against her own as they both gyrated and swayed to the music. "Nice costume by the way, love. It suits you."

Sakura smirked back. "I would say the same to you. But I don't think a vampire was very subtle... do you, Sasuke?" He shrugged and then pulled her closer, bending so that his nose could brush tantalizingly along her mate's mark. Her shudder and the strong scent of her arousal made his smirk grow even wider.

"It was easier to disguise the blood," he whispered before licking the shell of her ear and then gently sucking on his mark to cause a small, unencumbered gasp to escape his female's lips.

"Again," she panted; her grip on him tightening as she felt her figure slowly being bent backwards... with her spine contorting to accommodate him as he leaned over her, a possessive hold still firmly on her trim waist.

His erection jutted out against her stomach and he leaned up just enough to meet her lust-filled gaze. "I can never... ever get enough of you, my love."


Author's Notes:
If any of these sound like your own writing or another you have read, I apologize but I didn't copy anyone's work. This is entirely my own writing.

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