🔞Burning Hot🔞

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                             🍅🌸 werewolf au

(I'm so sorry. I'm really into werewolf sasusaku au right now for some reason... and smut. Can't forget the smut lol)


Her heat was absolutely stifling this time around; especially today, which was making it difficult for the young female to concentrate on anything else other than... that. The she-wolf felt so very, very hot; beads of sweat had begun to break out across her pale flesh and she was quite literally beginning to pant harshly; almost like a bitch in heat (which, in all reality, made complete sense; she was in fact a werewolf after all so technically she was a bitch in heat).

It was that time of year... again; the time that she dreaded the most. It was the time of year when all female wolves went into what they called, the heat. You see, it only happens two times a year and it's the only time that a female werewolf can get pregnant. The worst part of it all is that this means their male partners will become extremely protective and possessive of them; leaving them little time to do anything other than satisfy their... baser needs.

'Damn it, not this shit again...I can't deal with this right now. I have work to do. Shannaro!'

Sakura was attempting to avoid her mate at all cost this time around. She didn't have the time to deal with his possessiveness because her work load was growing steadily by each passing day. Knowing just how overprotective Sasuke was of her, on a normal basis, she knew that when it came to her heat, the alpha male wouldn't let her out of his sight for a moment... let alone out of their shared bedroom for more than two seconds (which would seriously hamper her ability to go into work). Sakura didn't want to drop her large workload onto her staff just because her mate couldn't keep it in his pants for more than five seconds at a time. She absolutely hated this time of year with a passion.


The young woman was currently working at the hospital today and she was desperately hoping that the unpleasant smells of antiseptic and sick people would hide the growing scent of her heat; hoping it would prevent her mate from realizing that her heat had already begun. Sasuke was supposed to be at the training grounds today working with some of the newest recruits and it just so happened to be all the way on the other side of their pack grounds...she just hoped that it was enough of a distance so that he wouldn't be able to sense her... situation. But of course, her hopes were soon dashed when she heard frantic footsteps heading her way. A sudden gust of air blew across her heated skin as Sakura turned to see the wooden door to her office flying open upon her best friend's sudden appearance. "S-Sakura...," Ino huffed heavily as she bent over at the waist to rest her hands upon her knees. The blonde haired she-wolf was completely out of breath as she huffed frantically before lifting herself into a more upright position. "...h-he's c-coming."

"Shit. How long do I have until he gets here," she asked as she quickly threw her heels and lab coat to the ground; unable and unwilling to take the time to put them away properly, before she grabbed her running shoes and sliding them onto her bare feet. She glanced at Ino's stricken face and gulped.

"He... Sasuke just walked into the building a few seconds ago sooo..."

"SAKURA!" When her mate's deep voice reached her ears; she visibly shuddered, unable to stop the involuntary movement. Her bright, green eyes bulged as she glanced from Ino to the door and then back again.

"Fuck," Sakura hissed as she frantically ran to the door before slammed it closed and turning the lock. Seconds after, the female watched as the knob began to shake; her mate attempting to get in as he now stood on the other side of the door. "I'm going to sneak out one of the windows Ino," Sakura whispered to her best friend before turning towards them. "Just tell him I'm not here."

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now