😈 Matching Undies 😈

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When Sakura does some online shopping, things get a little... embarrassing.

A sasusaku AU snippet.


Buy matching underwear, she had said. It'll be fun, she had said. Then after one late night and a bottle of white wine... or two... she did just that.

'Fucking hell Ino... some advice you had! Shannaro!'

As Sakura stared at herself in the floor length mirror, a deep red blush began to creep its way up the sides of her neck until it covered her cheeks and then further up to the very tips of her ears. "Damn it, this is why I don't fucking drink," she mumbled before twisting to the side to exam herself further.

The bright yellow stripes and white lettering contrasted greatly with the jet-black fabric of the panties... causing the words 'caution, slippery when wet' to appear like a neon sign against it; and now that Sakura was wearing them, she thought how silly they actually were and how horrible of a drunken purchase that they had been.

"Shannaro, I should learn to hide my wallet whenever I decide to get a little tipsy...," she huffed, while blowing a long strand of pink hair away from her eyes. Sakura's orbs shifted to the right and her lips pulled taunt before she bit her lip anxiously; her gaze focusing on the pair of boxers still hanging precariously on the corner of the box they were delivered in. She could just see the start of the word 'caution' and she began to gnaw a little bit harder on her bottom lip, drawing blood in the process as she contemplated her options.

She could either give them to Sasuke, send them back to where they came from... or let them mysteriously fall into the trash and disappear off the face of the earth; then, if her boyfriend asked about the weird forty-dollar charge on their credit card... she could simply play the innocent act and try to distract him to make him forget.

She was in the middle of these thoughts, when a hand wrapped around her waist, causing her to nearly jump out of her flesh until the familiar warmth of her lover's head landed on her shoulder. "What's wrong, love," he whispered into her ear before placing a soft kiss to her collarbone.

"N-nothing," she mewed, her hands coming up to wrap around the back of his head before hers leaned to the side... giving him access to taste her as he pleased. It wasn't until he froze, fingers planted on the hem of her underwear, when Sakura remembered why she was standing in front of their bedroom mirror, half-naked, in the first place. Her face heated anew and she closed her viridescent eyes tightly, refusing to meet his gaze as he observed her silently for a few moments longer than what she was fully comfortable with. She began to shift on her feet and wiggled against him where he had plastered her back to his front.

"Sakura, what is," Sasuke began, but she stopped him with a loud moan of embarrassment. Her hands moved to cover her face and she shook her head in shame.

"I don't know what to say. I... I wanted to get rid of them before you got home from work. It was a stupid... drunken mistake. I'm so embarrassed. Please, just—"

His arm tightened around her, holding her across her midriff, while his fingers tugged at the fabric covering her sex. "Hmm, soft." Her eyes widened behind her palms and she felt the skin where he touched begin to tingle; her heart beginning to create an erratic beating beneath her ribcage. "Caution," he said, voice holding a hint of tease as she continued. "Slippery when wet? Is that so, love? Shall we test it, and see?"

She could sense his smirk, even without being able to see it, and reached down to pinch his arm lightly. "Stop it, Sasuke. This is so... embarrassing. I'm just going to send them back."

"No don't," he insisted while spinning her in his arms. "I like them." Sasuke bent to nip at her lips gently before leaning back to gag her reaction.

"Really...," the pinkette asked, eyebrows lifting as she forced herself to meet his intense gaze; although her cheeks still remained inflamed. He pulled her bottom half against him and nuzzled his forehead against hers.

"Yes, I think they're... cute."

"Good," Sakura whispered, allowing her arms to wrap around his neck while she stood up on her toes, so that she could give him a quick and chaste peck on his left cheek. "Because you have a pair too."

"Really," he asked cautiously; leaning back to give her a strange look. "You got me a pair of panties."

She giggled softly before pinching his cheek where she had just kissed him. "No silly. I bought some matching couple's underwear."

She wasn't sure he really wanted to know but he asked anyway. "What does mine say?" Her plump lips pulled back into a wicked grin.

"Caution, choking hazard."

His booming laughter afterwards... caused her heart to swell with warmth and love. 'Maybe... maybe it wasn't such a ridiculous purchase after all,' she thought as he walked her back to the edge of the bed before pushing her gently to the mattress below.


Author's Notes:

If any of these sound like your own writing or another you have read I apologize but I didn't copy anyone's work. This is entirely my own writing.

Remember, comments are always welcome!

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