Fight or Flight

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(Sasusaku au. This will be 18+ due to violence, guns, cursing, and a death. If this isn't your thing or you are underaged, please skip it! You have been warned. Also, I think I've been watching to many 9-1-1 shows...)



That's what Sakura was running on right now as her trembling fingers gripped the cellphone in her hand tighter. Only three buttons stood between her and safety. Just three measly buttons; at least, that's what she was hoping for. Her fingers slowly pressed them down, one by one, as a single tear ran down her cheek.


Ring. Ring. Ring.

Holding her breath; she waited impatiently for someone to answer. It took not one, not two, but three seconds before someone finally picks up the receiver and she hears the loud click as the person on the other end finally picked up.

"9-1-1, what is your emergency."

"There's someone trying to break into my house!" Sakura was trembling as the loud and distinct sounds of glass shattering made her jump and she quickly placed her free hand over her mouth to muffle a startled gasp that threatened to give away her position to the unknown intruder.

"Alright ma'am. What is your name?"

The pink-haired woman swallows as the sound of several pairs of footsteps make their presence known in the background. "My name is S-Sakura Uchiha."

"What is the location of your emergency?"

"I... I live on 162 West Street." She glanced around her bedroom as she waited for a response before finding what she was looking for. With the silent stealth of a wild cat, Sakura grabbed the small object before making her way quickly over to the attached bathroom. She shut and locked the door behind her then slowly slide to the cold tiled floor; resting her back against the door as if she was trying to hold off anyone who might try and enter her safe haven. Sounds continued from the floor below her and she clinched her eyes tightly shut as she fought to keep her growing anxiety at bay.

"Alright then ma'am, you said that someone was breaking into your house; is that correct?"

"Yes. I think they just broke through one of the windows because I heard glass breaking and now, I can hear them moving around downstairs."

"Okay, just stay on the line with me. I'm sending someone your way now."

"Thank you so much." The sounds of someone rummaging continued as did the muffled steps as the intruders continued in their assault on her home. She wasn't exactly sure how many there were but assumed that it was at least two based on what she was hearing. Her eyes locked on the small object in her hand and she felt her heart begin to pound harder; her grip on it tightening. 'Will I have to use this? Will I be able to?'

"Are you at your home alone or is there someone else inside with you; apart from the burglars?"

"Yes, I was alone. My husband is at work and it's just the two of us that live here."

"Alright, just hang on for me okay. We have two officers in route as we speak; they should be there shortly. Can you tell me where the intruders are ma'am?"

"I... I'm not sure. I'm locked in my bathroom but it sounds like they could be in the kitchen on the first floor." She let her head fall gently backwards as she closed her eyes once again as she tried to envision the layout of their home in her mind; to figure out where they could be. She assumed she was correct when she heard a drawer clatter to the ground followed by the sounds of metal utensils being scattering across their hardwood floors.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now