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Sakura felt fingers tracing the Uchiha symbol on her back. The borrowed shirt she wore had risen up slightly to expose her lower back and the cool breeze from the air conditioner made goosebumps break out across her flesh; she shivered. Her lover's arm wrap around her from behind, pulling her back flush against his bare chest and she couldn't stop the small smile from forming on her face when she felt him nuzzle his nose into the back of her neck. Her legs instinctively wrapped around his own and she placed her arm across his, intertwining their fingers loosely together across her stomach. She sighed contently, feeling his lips press a gentle kiss to the exposed skin on her shoulder.

"Sakura," his breathily whisper sent tingles through her body and she felt her insides heat up once more when his finger tightened around hers. "You want to know something."

"What", her voice was much rougher than she would have liked but she wasn't surprised when she had practically been screaming his name over and over again all night long. 

"The Uchiha symbol looks good on you." Her heart speed to a faster rhythm and she turned slightly, planting a gentle kiss to his lips as a thank you.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now