🔞 It Was Their First 🔞

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(Blank period sasusaku first time being intimate.)

Also a heads up; I have been dealing with some health issues as of late so my updates may slow down slightly as I try and deal with it. So please, don't constantly ask me when the next update will be or when I will be able to get to a certain project; it only adds to my anxiety, which isn't good for my health. I will say that if I am working on something and I say I will write it, then I will get to it eventually and do the updates, snippets or one-shots as I think of them; but like I've said before, sometimes I get writer's block and/or it takes me a while to work on the next chapters or pieces because I do this for fun (as my free-time project I guess you could say). I have children and a family that take up a majority of my time, so that doesn't always help me produce as quickly as I would like. I hope this makes sense and I hope you all understand where I'm coming from.

I hope that this little rant doesn't come off as me being rude or offensive to any of you, because that is not my intentions at all! I simply want you all to understand where I am coming from and that I need to try and focus more on myself at times and less on trying to please everyone else; like I normally do. I sincerely appreciate your kindness and your support of me thus far and I hope that what I've said doesn't anger you or deter you away from me and my work in anyway.

Again, if you are offended, I do apologize and I am extremely thankful for those who have been so supportive of me and all of my mediocre writing lol


The sun was setting around them as Sakura fully surrendered to him; to Sasuke's gentle caresses and barely noticeable touches. She breathed out his name on a soft whisper; her head tilted to one side and then the other as the Uchiha explored the darkest and most vulnerable parts of her that no one had ever touched before. Sakura was helpless beneath him; allowing herself to be fully consumed with the slow burn that was growing rapidly in her lower belly.

"S-Sasuke-kun... please...," she begged of him as his rough fingertips brushed the insides of her thighs. Sakura knew that he was watching her closely for her reactions, the red and black of his eye memorizing every second of their encounter, but she felt to embarrassed to look back at him; so, the pinkette kept her eyes firmly closed as he tentatively moved the pads of his fingers closer to her soaked core, until finally he pressed them between the slick folds of her sex.

She couldn't stop a sharp gasp from escaping her plump lips as her small hands reached up to grasp onto his strong shoulders tightly; her curvy hips involuntarily lifted higher as if reaching for... something while her core's heat grew in intensity. Sakura heard him inhale loudly as he spread her wider; his bare muscles flexed under her touch as he moved himself closer to her. Sakura's body began to tremble when she felt his large girth press against her opening and closed her eyes tighter as she felt her muscles tense; preparing for what was to come next.

"Sakura." When she heard him call out to her, she finally plucked up the courage to look at him and the tenderness in his heated gaze left her nearly breathless; she swallowed slowly. "We don't have to do this you know... it's alright." The woman shook her head as she held onto him.

"No, Sasuke-kun. I want to do this. It's just that... well, I guess that I'm a little nervous." Her cheeks dusted pink upon her confession and she bit her bottom lip gently as she averted her gaze from his once more. The next sentences that left her lips were barely audible; even with the small space between them. "But I... I want this moment with you... of that I'm sure, Sasuke-kun. We've both waited long enough after all." He nodded his head slowly and brought his lone hand up to her cheek; resting his palm against her warm skin for a second before bringing his lips down to hers for a chaste kiss, one that still managed to leave her flesh feeling tingly all over just from that barest of touches.

"I'll go really slow at first, Sakura... let me know if I need to stop though," Sasuke breathed against her mouth before he began to push his slim hips forward. Slowly, she felt the bulbous head of his thickened member press into her; spreading her liquids onto his long shaft as he advanced. Inch by painstaking inch he pressed further, until he had finally reached her barrier. When he felt the  slightest resistance, Sasuke paused; unsure if he should continue and Sakura's grip on his wide shoulders tightened as she waited. Sasuke was breathing harshly; his eyes fixated on where they were joined while small beads of sweat dripped from his temple. The small woman beneath him moaned softly and shifted her body slightly. His eyes moved to meet hers and she saw the deep and conflicting emotions racing through them. "I...," the dark-haired man licked his suddenly dry lips and swallowed slowly before continuing. "I don't want to hurt you."

Sakura reached up to cup his jaw with one of her hands; her green irises held his as she spoke her next words carefully. "It will only be for a second. I'm alright Sasuke-kun. I want this... with you." He nodded his head before lowering his forehead to hers. His hand moved over her dampened skin as he touched every inch of her that he could before settling upon her neck.

"I'm so sorry Sakura." A second later and Sasuke was fully seated within her as he thrust his hips harshly against her; Sakura cried out as his lips came crashing down onto hers. A sharp stabbing pain ran throughout her body for only a moment before it turned into nothing more than a dull thrum within her tight core. Still, Sasuke waited; making sure Sakura was fully and completely ready before moving his hips in an experimental fashion. Her womanhood tightly constricted his girth and sucked him into her heat; causing the Uchiha to groan in pleasure against her mouth as he continued to thrust forward.

The young, inexperienced couple took minutes to gain a synchronized rhythm that worked for the both of them; but soon the sounds of masculine grunting and feminine moaning filled the night around them. Sasuke rested on the stump of his left arm as his rough fingertips moved to pinch the distended pink buds on her breast; his lips lowered to suckle gently on the flesh of her neck. Sakura closed her eyes; allowing the pleasure to consume her completely.

Moments later, after his long fingers had moved to join his rock-hard member, she felt her inner walls tighten as a liquid fire pushed her over the edge and into a soft haze of bliss. Her lover's name was a mantra on her tongue and Sakura felt the blunt ends of his teeth sink lightly into the soft flesh on her shoulder as Sasuke grunted low and deep against her skin; joining his partner in a state of ecstasy as his hips jerking several more times before they finally coming to a stop. Sasuke allowed his upper half to fall to her side while his slowly softening member remained inside of her. The Uchiha was completely spent of almost all of his energy. The two of them stayed like that for a little while longer.

The couple were joined together and completely enraptured by what they had just done together. Sakura was the first to come back from her high and turned her head slowly to look at her lover. His dark hair was plastered to his face due to his sweat and his thin lips were slightly parted as he panted harshly beside her. Sakura reached out and brush his long bangs away from his dark eyes with her fingertips and she found that the male was looking back at her with a tired gaze. She gave him a warm smile, which he returned in kind. "I love you."

Sakura watched as Sasuke blinked slowly; once, then twice before he pulled her close to him. "I love you too," she heard him whisper against her skin and closed her eyes tightly as she cherished this intimate moment with him.

She will always remember this time with him, for the rest of her life.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now