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(Bad boy Sasuke (full of tattoos and piercings) eats his girlfriend out while surprising her with a new tongue piercing.)


Her tongue brushed against the seam of his lips but Sasuke refused to allow his girlfriend entry; making the pink-haired female groan against him in frustration, which caused him to smirk at her annoyance. He released her mouth slowly and began to brush his own down the length of her jaw; trying to sooth her in the process. He felt her small hands rub down his sides as she breathed out a soft sigh of desire; signaling her approval of his actions.

He then moved downwards.

Down the length of her pale throat....

Down the curve of her naked, petite breast...

Down the flat smooth, flesh of her stomach...

Until the young man reached the place that he had been slowly and silently searching for.

Her warm heat. His sinful heaven.

Sasuke first brushed his lips against her plump, delicate flesh; the liquid of her desire sticking to his mouth slightly as he pulled away. His dark orbs drew upwards lazily and he watched as her own closed tightly; curvaceous hips pressed up gently towards him as his lover tried to appease the growing ache between her legs. When his name fell from her lips on a breathy moan, the Uchiha smirked darkly before finally allowing his thick appendage to dart out past his lips were it then pressed against her slick folds. He watched Sakura's lips part as her mouth formed an O, her hands automatically coming down to grasp onto his thick head of hair and her forehead creasing slightly in the middle as her brows drew together; a look of both pleasure and slight confusion clear in her expression.

"S-Sasuke...w-what...agh!" Sasuke brushed his tongue languidly up the full length of her opening before he found the small bundle of nerves that rested on top. His mouth wrapped itself around her distended flesh and his tongue swirled her pleasure point with just the right amount of pressure to drive the female wild with need; his experience with this act and his lover's sweet body coming into play in that moment.

His large hands grasped her thick thighs and he began to press them down; spreading her on either side of him to give him more access to her body. His long and experienced fingers began to work their magic on her core soon after.

In and out.

Suck, lick, suck...

Sasuke had Sakura completely under his spell and he watched her with a darkened gaze as she came undone beneath him; both his masculine ego and pride swelled as the female shouted his name to the ceiling above while her sharp nails dug harshly into his scalp as she came. Sasuke slowly released his hold on her and rose until he was hovering above her; a wide smirk on his face as he pressed the lower half of his hard body against hers. Sasuke silently observed her as she shuddered beneath him; her pulse thumping wildly as she swallowed steadily. "S-Sasuke..."

"Hmm." The Uchiha brushed his lips against the shell of her ear before making a small trail of soft kisses towards her chin.

"I... you...w-what was that!" Sasuke chuckled lowly before opening his mouth slowly; his tongue sliding out so that the tip was now clearly visible to her searching eyes. He watched as Sakura's bright green orbs widened. "Y-you did it..."

"Surprise, love."

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now