😡 An Internal Rage 😡

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Sasuke was furious. Nobody harmed HIS woman and got away with it. Nobody.

A sasusaku au snippet. High school sweethearts.

(Why is Sakura getting into fights; idk. I asked my brain this question, but it didn't have a response for me; sorry. Lol)


The deep-seated fury that resided within Sasuke, bloomed outwards from far beneath his sternum; growing in its intensity as he observed the puffy, swollen, broken, and bloodied mess that covered almost the entire surface area of his girlfriend's beautiful face and body.

"Sakura," the Uchiha growled, his fists tightening at his sides; causing his knuckles to turn ghostly white. "Who did this to you? Who injured you?"

Sakura tried to stand... to go to his side... but she failed miserably. Her legs gave out on her, which caused her to stumble forward. The weight of her torso pulled her downwards quickly; but, before Sakura could hit the rough concrete, strong arms wrapped around her frame; suspending the girl in the air for a brief moment, before the person who saved her lowered her gently to the ground.

She turned her head dazedly, and met the severe gaze of her partner; his handsome features were contorted into a mask of sorrow and unrepressed rage. She wanted to call out to him, (to comfort him) but she felt unable to do so; without injuring herself further that is. So, Sakura opted to smile at him instead. Though that... was a big mistake.

A low and pain-filled wheeze escaped her mouth when the tightening of her flesh broke the slightly healed cut on her bottom lip; causing a new trail of fresh blood to begin flowing freely down the length of her chin. Sasuke's arms threatened to constrict her airway, threatened to crush her; but thankfully, he realized this... and relaxed his hold on her (though, it was only marginally).

He reached out to her and brushed his fingertips along her hairline; attempting to pull some of the matted pink strands away from her face; then he  leaned down to press his forehead against hers gently; the touch so feather-light that she could barely feel it. She closed her eyes on a tired sigh and welcomed his embrace.

"Please, Sakura. Just tell me who it was," he tried to plead with her; his voice thick with emotion. "I will make them pay for it. I will make them regret the moment they touched you. Just tell me who. Who did this to you?"

She brought her hands up; somehow finding the outer strength to press them against his cheeks; startling his obsidian eyes back open, so he was forced to look at hers. She ignored the pain in her lip to give him a cheeky grin and then opened her mouth to speak. "You should see the other guy. I kicked his mother... fucking... ass."

Sasuke half-chuckled, half-sighed before giving her a tight (though gentle so as not to harm her any further) hug. "You better have. I love you, so damn much, woman."

"I love you too, Sasuke."

"You know," he said as he pulled away slightly to give her a serious look. "I'm still going to kick his ass."

She rolled her viridescent eyes. "I know you will."

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now