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There is nothing better than a warm cuddle from your spouse; at least, not for Sasuke that is.

(Sasusaku Boruto era snippet.)


Sasuke Uchiha doesn't mind that his pink-haired wife likes to snuggle; in fact, he actually finds it rather comforting... despite how unmanly that might make him seem (at least according to the blonde idiot Hokage it does).

Whether it be the patriarch who makes the first move, by arranging his muscular front properly against her soft backside. After some unrestful shuffling and somewhat silent suggesting by his wife with her feet; as she nudges his calves, first discreetly and then in earnest when he fails to comply quickly enough for her liking...

... or (just like tonight) his wife would turn, almost soundlessly, in her sleep; before then proceeding to wrap both of her small arms around his middle (strong embrace squeezing him tightly as Sakura held him close) while her legs and feet tangled themselves around and within his own.

The Uchiha would openly smile to himself (during these short little moments of rest) after she had settled behind him with a soft sigh; picturing how often this exact scenario had occurred over their many years of marriage... and knowing that she did so, not only because she wanted his warmth and comfort, but because she was inexplicably in love with Sasuke and actually wanted to be near him; which, for some reason, was still a baffling mystery to the poor man.

With the silent stealth of a wild cat (one that was instilled within him ever since the patriarch could remember) he moved his lone arm slowly... gently placing his large palm overtop of her small hand. Sasuke felt Sakura snuggle her cheek against his bare back; hot breaths fanning across his skin as Sakura sighed tiredly at being slightly disturbed by him. Though (to his great relief) she remained asleep.

His eyes remained closed as he slowly drifted off, to the warm feeling of his wife's soft curves and the gentle sounds of her soft snores; playing like a soft, soothing melody for his tired ears.

Yes, Sasuke Uchiha loves to cuddle with his wife and he wasn't afraid to admit it.

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