The Village Painter 🖌

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Men came and went, but this one was different. She just didn't know it at first.

A sasusaku snippet set in older (tribal) times maybe?


Sakura sat with her legs tucked beneath her, a paintbrush in hand as she traced patterns across the man's skin with bright red ink. He watched her closely, too intensely for her to feel comfortable staring back, so she continued with her task and when she was done, he silently walked away.

But that wasn't the last that she would see of him.

A week later he was back for more, growing in the ranks of their village folks and needing to wear the proper markings to indicate his higher rank. So yet again, he sat in front of her while she traced the plans of his muscular frame with her brush, a light pink blush dusting her cheeks when she got closer to his abdomen. But still, Sakura maintained her position and focus and afterwards, once again... when she was finished... he simply walked away without a word.

But, just like the last time, this wouldn't be the end of their encounters. Next time however, things would be different.

He came to her once again just a month later as chief, and she bowed to him before starting anew. Her hands shook slightly as he focused his intense gaze upon her face, and her heart was racing wildly, just like the ceremonial drums did the night before. Sakura refused to even look at him... until he grabbed her wrist to stop her progress. It was pure instinct that drew her eyes automatically to him thereafter, and the look that Sasuke was giving her nearly melted the female to the floor. Her lips parted in surprise and his dark, black eyes followed the movement until he leaned in close; until his lips were just an inch away from her ear.

The first word he ever spoke to her was, "Mine." His voice was deep and gravely, low and sensual. Sasuke's grip on her wrist only tightened and it was then that she knew that her time as the village's painter was over.

They wed just a few days later.


(I see her as sometimes using her fingers or a make shift paintbrush to put the traditional paint on their bodies. I don't know if that came across or not!)

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